City of Jacksonville

Park Permitting

Reserving a park for a gathering or event is easy. You can complete the entire process online or contact our permitting office for assistance. There are two types of reservations: one for picnic pavilions, the second for park events.

Click to go to JaxParks Reservation Site

Call (904) 255-7930 for assistance.

Picnic Pavilions

Picnic pavilions are used for simple family gatherings, birthday picnics, small work gatherings etc. These do not cover inflatable devices or other specialty items, amplified sound, electricity/generators, alcohols, events where fees are being collected or groups of 50 or more. Any activity including one or more of the above will require a special use permit.

A list of parks requiring picnic pavilion permits can be found at the bottom of this page. If you wish to use a pavilion in a park that is not included on this list, please understand that the pavilion is first come, first served and no reservations are required. If your park is on the list, click here and begin the process. 

Locations with double pavilion are designated as Side A and Side B. Each side requires a separate reservation. To reserve both sides, please divide the number of attendees and vehicles between the two sides. Special equipment only needs to be listed on one side.

Park Events

If you are planning an event that includes one or more of the following, you will need to obtain a JaxParks Special Use permit:
  • Use of:special equipment, electricity/generator and amplified sound.
  • 50 people or more
  • Open to the public
  • Where donations or fees are collected
  • Includes alcohol (alcohol permits are required and only granted to non-profit organizations).
If your event requires a Special Use Permit click here and begin the process. Once your request has been submitted and reviewed, you will receive an email approving the permit or noting any additional information that may be required in order to process your request.

Parks Requiring Permits for Use of Picnic Pavilions:

A. Alejandro Garces Camp Tomahawk Park
9A/Baymeadows Park
Arlington Lions Club Park
Arlingwood Park
Baker Point
Blue Cypress
Bruce Park
Cesery Park
Concord Park
Crabtree Park
Crystal Springs Park
Forestry Tower Park
Ft. Caroline Park
Garden City Park
Genover Park
Grunthal Park
Eartha H. Napoleon Park
Isle of Palms Park
Lake Fretwell Park/ Cecil Recreation
Lonnie C. Miller Park
Lonnie Wurn Park
Lovelace Park
Marion Park
Marjenhoff Park
McGirts Creek Park
North Shore Park
Panama Park
Ray Greene Park
Raymond E. Davis Park
Richard H. 'Dick' Kravitz Regional Park
Ringhaver Park
Royal Terrace Park
J.Gardner Nip Sam Memorial Park
Tillie K. Fowler Regional Park
Tommy  Hazouri Sr. Park
Victoria Park
Victory Park
Walter Jones Historical Park
Warrington Park 
Wigmore Park

Park Rules

Click here for Park Rules
Smoking Prohibited Ordiance