The Traffic Engineering Division, in close cooperation with the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, authorizes the use of roads for block parties and special events.
Events that are expected to draw more than 500 people - including all workers, participants, spectators and other attendees - must be permitted through the Office of Special Events.

ATTENTION CONTRACTORS: If a partial or whole closure is needed to facilitate construction or work on private property, please e-mail
Block parties are permitted on residential streets only. Intersections may not be closed. In order for a permit to be issued, support by petition of residents within the block to be closed is required. Signatures from people outside the block will not count!
For your convenience, please use the BLOCK PARTY REQUEST FORM to submit your request.
It is important that you provide reliable contact information in case we have questions or need more information!
Use the JaxGis mapping tool to get a map of the block being closed and to identify the properties within the block that need to approve the closure.
- Requests should be submitted at least 30 days in advance
- Requests will not be accepted the day before an event
- Requests will not be accepted on a Friday for an event occurring that Saturday or Sunday - NO EXCEPTIONS.
- Requests must include the following details:
- Applicant's name
- Phone number and e-mail address
- Purpose of the event
- Closure limits - only one block may be closed at any time
- Example: Main Street between 1st and 2nd
- Event date
- Start and end time - must end by 11 p.m.
- Provide a map detailing the area to be closed. The map may be hand-drawn, but we prefer use of an online map program such as JaxGis or Google Maps
- Neighborhood petition demonstrating approval from at least 70% of residents/occupants within the block to be closed. The petition must show:
- Written/typed name of person responding
- Address being represented
- Phone number
- Signature (only one per address is permitted - including apartment buildings)
- Signatures from the same address or from addresses outside the closure area will NOT be counted toward the 70% threshold
- If any resident stated on the “notification form” has not approved of the event the request will be automatically thrown out and not considered for approval.
- Block party closures are limited to residential streets only
- Only one block may be closed for a single event
- Intersections must remain open at all times
- Applicants MUST submit a neighborhood petition showing at least 70% approval from the occupied residences within the closure limits
- Applicants must provide proper barricades - no cones, sawhorses, ropes, or vehicles will be permitted as a substitute. Barricade companies may be found on Google (search: Barricade Rentals).
- Event must be over by 11 p.m.
- No alcohol is permitted on city property, such as roads or sidewalks
- No loud music is allowed
The Department of Public Works may authorize the temporary use or closure of a city-owned road, and facilitate the use or closure of a state-owned road, for the purposes of a special event.
Events that are expected to draw 500 or more persons at any time during the event are subject to the provisions in Chapter 191 of the Jacksonville Ordinance Code, and must be permitted through the Office of Special Events. Approval to use city and/or state roads is part of the Special Events application process.
All applications are PDF fillable forms - they may be completed directly on your computer and submitted as attachments by e-mail.
Note: Opening PDF files requires Adobe Reader, available for free from Adobe.
Recreational Event / Road Closure Information and Requirements
Block Party Request Form
Public Works Pavement Marking Agreement
FDOT Temporary Closing of State Road Permit
*State permit form is required if closing any state-maintained roadways and/or locking down the Main Street or Ortega bridge drawspan.
You do not need special permission from Traffic Engineering to use a street if the event meets any of the following conditions:
- Held entirely on private property (including privately-maintained roads)
- Will not block vehicular traffic and/or access to homes or businesses
- No need for special traffic controls through barricades and/or police officers
- Will use existing public facilities for their intended legal purpose (e.g., sidewalks)
- Otherwise meets existing state and local laws
Even if your event does not require permission through Public Works, it is always a good idea notify the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office of your plans. You may find your local station by using "My Neighborhood Search" on the city's GIS mapping site,
Remember, events drawing more than 500 people total - including attendees, spectators, volunteers, etc. - must be permitted through the city's Office of Special Events.
During its review of the closure request, Public Works will coordinate approvals with other government agencies as needed, such as the JSO and FDOT. For this reason, applications must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the event.
Because the Main Street and Ortega bridges have drawspans to allow for marine traffic, events involving either of those bridges also require U.S. Coast Guard approval to lock down the drawspan. For this reason, we request 45 days advance notice for such events.
Failure to submit all required information may result in a delayed decision or denial of your application.
If you are unable to download and print the PDF packet, you may pick one up at the city's customer service office:
214 N. Hogan Street, 1st Floor
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday - Friday
If you have questions or need additional assistance, contact the Public Works Director's Office at (904) 255-8786 or e-mail