Historic Preservation
The Community Planning Division, Historic Preservation Section coordinates the City's Historic Preservation program. This program includes review of work in local Historic Districts and impacts to registered local Landmarks through the Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) process as part of the Historic Preservation Element of the Comprehensive Plan.
The Historic Preservation Element defines the City’s role in addressing historic preservation issues and concerns. This Element identified one goal: 'It shall be the goal of the City of Jacksonville to identify, document, protect, and preserve its archaeological, historic, architectural, and cultural resources. Instilling public awareness of those resources shall be a part of that effort.' One step chosen by Jacksonville and utilized by many other municipalities in the local planning process to meet such a goal is being accepted in the Certified Local Government (CLG) Program administered by the Florida Department of State. Through local designation and historic preservation efforts, the City works to protect our history for future generations.
The Historic Preservation Section also provides administrative support to the Jacksonville Historic Preservation Commission (JHPC), which is responsible for review of certain COA applications and for recommending the designation of local landmarks and districts to the City Council.
Certificate of Appropriateness (COA):
A Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application is required for all properties within the Historic Districts as well as local registered Landmarks. COAs must be submitted for any work done to the exterior of a building like repairing windows and siding, as well as site work like fencing, driveways and sheds. Once a COA is approved it is valid for 1 year and after work has begun, the COA will be valid for 5 years.
The Historic District Design Guidelines give helpful direction for alterations, additions, new construction and demolitions while keeping the flow of the neighborhood intact, to facilitate changes over time.
Contributing / Non-Contributing Structures:
In 1985, buildings were surveyed and listed as either "Contributing" or "Non-Contributing" on unique district property lists. Some properties may be unlisted, in which case each structure is looked at independently for date of construction and architectural significance. Structures that are listed as "Contributing", contributing to the character of the Historic District and should be preserved as part of the unique charm of the neighborhood. Some modest Contributing properties may seem independently unimpressive, but each structure is valuable to the rich historic charm of each neighborhood and should be protected.
Historic District Boundaries and Landmarks:
Search by address to find out if a property is within a Historic District or a Registered Landmark:
Map Search Instructions
- Go to https://maps.coj.net/landdevelopmentreview/
- Click on "Layers" at the top of the page
- Click the "Historic" Tab to open the list
- Check the box for "Historic Districts" and "Landmarks"

Financial Incentives:
Helpful Websites:
Contractor Search and Complaints:
Frequently Asked Questions
Historic Preservation Section
Planning and Development Department
214 North Hogan Street, Suite 300
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 255-7800
Fax: (904) 255-7885
Email: historicpreservation@coj.net