City of Jacksonville


Commercial Permits

Commercial projects require review over and above non-commercial projects to address such items as parking, landscape, and St. Johns Water Management review to name a few. It is crucial to investigate the zoning prior to applying for a building permit. You must be familiar with the codes currently being applied by the City of Jacksonville for construction in the City of Jacksonville.

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Requirements for Commercial Permitting

Site clearing, building, electrical, mechanical and plumbing permits are generally required for any new commercial projects. Prior to the issuance of a permit, an application shall be submitted online through the JAXEPICS portal at . Each application for a permit submitted to the division shall be accompanied by all required documents and specifications in a PDF format. Documents, as required by Florida Statute and the Florida Administrative Code, shall be signed and sealed with a digital signature.

We recommend that owners, developers, contractors, architects and engineers follow the procedure described below. The entire process may be much less complicated if subdivided to several steps taken in sequence. The required steps for each type of permit is identified in the matrix at the end of this section:

STEP 1. Zoning (, 904-255-8300)

The zoning district of the real estate property is the most important data that must be determined for any type of development. The Zoning Section, (under the Planning and Development Department) will assist you in assigning the appropriate zoning district to a particular lot or parcel of land based on the approved zoning atlas. It is necessary for you to have the real estate number or a legal description of the real estate property under consideration in order to locate it on the zoning atlas. There are two basic forms of description: the description by plat and the description by words. The zoning code provisions associated with the zoning district assigned to the lot govern the entire design process. There are five major cases possible to occur after the zoning district is determined.

  • The proposed use and structure are all within the zoning code requirements pertaining to the lot, parking, loading and unloading areas, landscaping, open space, street access, lot coverage by all buildings and structures, yard requirements, and maximum height.
  • The zoning district allows the proposed use as permissible use by exception and all other requirements as specified in case No. 1 can be met.
  • The zoning district allows the proposed use and structure as a permitted use but all or some of the requirements as specified in case No. 1 cannot be met for various reasons.
  • The zoning district does not allow the proposed use or structure neither as permitted use nor as permissible uses by exception however another zoning district (either primary or secondary) within the land use category does.
  • The zoning district does not allow the proposed use or structure and no other zoning districts in the land use category in which the lot is located would allow the proposed use or structure.

For each of these cases a specific procedure applies if the project is going to receive further consideration. You may continue with the next step only if the case No. 1 conditions are met. In the remaining cases the zoning problems must be resolved first. For any conditions other than Case No. 1 consult the zoning assistants (904-255-8300) for approval requirements.

STEP 2. Concurrency Management System (, 904-255-8330)

Concurrency must be checked with regard to comprehensive planning, that the adopted level of necessary public facilities and services are available when the proposed development will impact the area where it is located.

A concurrency management system is a procedure established by the City of Jacksonville to assure that proposed developments will not reduce the adopted level of services (potable water, sanitary and stormwater sewer, solid waste, recreation, traffic circulation and mass transportation) at the time the impact of development occurs.

STEP 3. Development Management Group (, 904-255-8310)

This group will require a civil engineering plan review prior to application for any new commercial building permit. This requires a 10-set preliminary review, and upon corrections, a 10-set final review. Attachment 25 is a partial listing of requirements which must be addressed throughout the review process of all applicable agencies (Traffic Engineering Division, Landscape Section, the Planning Department, the Drainage Section and the Development Management Group/DMG Field Office). In addition, a separate permit is required by this office for any work in a city right of way or easement. Separate coordination between your engineer and the JEA Water and Sewer Business Unit is required.

STEP 4. Plans, Drawings and Specifications 

Having steps one, two and three completed, a developer/owner may proceed with plans, drawings and specifications for building permits. Note: An applicant may submit plans for building review prior to receiving final Civil Review approval, but the building permit will not be issued the final Civil Review approval is obtained.
Please review Chapter 1 Section 107 of the Florida Building Code for a full list of required Submital Documents. The lists below do not supercede the requirements of the Florida Building Code.
As a minimum, the following engineering and architectural plans, drawings and specificaitons shall be prepared for submittal to the Building Inspection Division for final review and permit issuance:

A. Site development plan

Site development plans shall be prepared on a topographic survey map meeting requirements of Chapter 472, Florida Statutes. It is recommended that site development plans be of a scale not more than 1 inch = 40 feet. In special cases the scale may be up to 1 inch = 100 feet upon approval by all reviewing agencies. Site development plans shall consist of the following data:

  • Title of the project, name of owner(s) and/or authorized agent, date, north arrow, legal description, scale, name of the design engineer (including address and telephone number).
  • Zoning district(s) and land use category of the subject and all abutting real estate properties.
  • Abutting streets and their classification according to the Functional Highway Classification Map of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan.
  • Location of all existing and proposed building and structures, off-street vehicular use areas, off-street parking and loading facilities (including parking for bicycles) together with pertinent information on proposed uses, number of employees, number of seats, retail and storage areas, etc.
  • Storm water management system with all details required by the city and state agencies.
  • Location of any type of environmentally sensitive areas (wetlands, wildlife preservation, etc.).
  • Sidewalk location, type of pavement, existing and proposed grades on the site, and as necessary off-site.
  • Building(s) and structure(s) height(s), number of floors, proposed square footage.
  • Vicinity map.
  • Tree location survey as required by part 12, zoning code for protected trees.
  • The flood zone(s) and panel #s as indicated on the flood rate insurance maps.
  • Soil report.
  • Proposed landscape and irrigation including any required buffer zones or preserved areas. (Revocable permit and indemnification agreement may be required-contact DMG at (904) 255-8310.)
  • Proposed utilities including location of fire hydrants, lift stations, sizes of water and sewer mains and their locations, locations and detail of water meters, etc., location of loading facilities for solid waste.
  • Zoning elements such as required yards, minimum lot sizes, maximum lot coverage by buildings and structures, minimum lot frontage, etc.
  • Location of numbers indicating street addresses and unit locations of multiple-tenant complexes.
  • Statement if the lot is located in the fire district.
  • Information about any special exception, variance and/or approval granted by local or state agency.
  • Other information, calculations, diagrams, as it may be required by any of the reviewing agency.
  • Accessibility to the physically handicapped (parking spaces, ramps, paths of travel to the accessible entrance, signs, pavement marking and striping, etc.).

In case of PUD zoning district, a copy of the rezoning ordinance (including written description) and final development plan as approved by the Planning Commission shall be submitted with the site development plans.

B. Architectural Drawings and Specifications

Architectural drawings shall be prepared in conformity with the established principles of architectural drawing. A set of these drawings shall consist of the following:

  • Foundation plan(s).
  • Floor plan(s) together with the use or occupancy of all rooms (spaces) of the buildings or structures.
  • Sections through walls, stairwells, roof system, fire rated assemblies, through-penetration firestops, etc.
  • Roof plan(s).
  • Elevations (interior & exterior).
  • Reflected ceiling plan(s).
  • Details (interior & exterior).
  • Miscellaneous details.
  • Schedules (rooms, floors, windows, doors, hardware).
  • Furnishing plan(s).
  • Specifications.
  • Life safety plan(s).
  • Building and fire codes analysis.
  • Accessibility to physically handicapped people details.

C. Structural Drawings and Specifications

Structural drawings shall be prepared in conformity with the established principles of engineering drawing and shall consist of information and data required by the standard specifications for concrete, steel, wood, or other materials. A set of these drawings shall consist of the following:

  • Foundation plan(s) and details
  • Floor framing plan(s)
  • Roof framing plan(s)
  • Structural details and schedules
  • Miscellaneous structural details
  • Structural notes

D. Mechanical Drawings and Specifications

Mechanical drawings shall be prepared in conformity with the established principles of engineering drawing including American National Standard Graphic Symbols for Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning and National Fire Protection Association Standard for Fire safety Symbols. A set of these drawings shall consist of the following:

  • HVAC Floor plan(s) showing equipment (location, capacity, type of fuel;), duct layout (size, material, insulation, return air system), dampers, diffusers and grills (location, size, capacity).
  • Floor plan(s) for gas, compressed air, oxygen, etc. installations if applicable.
  • Fire sprinkler system drawings as required by National Fire Protection Association Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems (NFPA 13).
  • Gas riser diagram.
  • Chimney, hood, and combustion air duct details.
  • Miscellaneous details.
  • Other drawings for installations, equipment or appliances as it may be warranted by occupancy requirements.
  • Three sets of energy calculations.

E. Plumbing Drawings and Specifications

Plumbing drawings shall be prepared in conformity with the established principles of engineering drawing including American National Standard Graphic Symbols for Plumbing Fixtures for Diagrams. A set of these drawings shall consist of the following:

  • Site plan - plumbing
  • Floor or under floor plan(s)
  • Water riser diagram(s)
  • Sanitary & vent riser diagram(s)
  • Roughing-in schedule(s), miscellaneous details, plumbing symbol schedule, water heater piping diagram, etc. as may be necessary based on project requirements.

F. Electrical Drawings and Specifications

Electrical drawings shall be prepared in conformity with the established principles of engineering drawings including American National Standard Graphic Symbols for Electrical Wiring and Layout Diagrams. A set of these drawings shall consist of the following:

  • Site plan - electrical
  • Floor plan(s) - lighting
  • Floor plan(s) - power, control, signal, fire alarm
  • Roof plan
  • Electrical, telephone, signal, fire alarm riser diagram(s)
  • Electrical panel diagram(s)
  • Building Management System drawings and specification
  • Miscellaneous details
  • Load calculation

All drawings and specifications shall be signed, embossed sealed and dated as required by the State of Florida Law.

Based on provisions of Chapter 320, Ordinance Code, the plans and specifications for a building or structure, alterations, repairs or improvements, replacement and addition, costing $25,000 or more, shall be prepared and approved by a registered architect or professional engineer registered in the State of Florida. If the proposed work involves structural design in any case registered architects or engineers shall prepare the drawings and specification. Work less than $25,000 shall be sealed if it is for public use.

STEP 5. Approval of Plans and Specifications

We encourage developers, property owners and design professionals to consult with us anytime pertaining to building code regulations during the project. The project documents (plans, drawings, specifications) together with building permit applications for a site clearing and a new building or addition shall be pre-approved by the following agencies prior to being submitted for final approval and issuance of permits:

JAXEPICS will route the building permit application package to the following agencies for approval.

A. Zoning Section of the Planning and Development Department (Room 2117)

It may be necessary to obtain the site development plan approval from the Planning Commission. This will be required in the following cases:

  • Construction of more than one structure for a permitted or permissible use on a lot if yards, area, frontage and other requirements of the zoning code cannot be met for each structure as though it were on an individual and separate lot.
  • Construction of a structure of 40,000 square feet gross floor area or more.
  • Construction of public school facilities. Please note that for these projects only a site-clearing permit is required for our division. We do not issue building permits for these projects.

IMPORTANT: The legal description of the real estate property is mandatory.

B. Concurrency Management System Office (Room 2127)

C. Development Management Group

The DMG will review construction plans, and specifications for compliance with the City of Jacksonville regulations pertaining to drainage (storm water management), flood plain, subdivision of land, right of way, and other requirements under the jurisdiction of the Public Works Department.

D. Landscape reviewed by the Building Inspection Division

Our landscape section will review plans and specifications for a site clearing permit and landscape plans and specifications for a building permit.

NOTE: Landscape review for a building permit will be performed during the final plan review process. Site clearing permits may be issued only after all landscape and drainage issues are addressed.

Three sets of construction documents are required for a site-clearing permit. Those documents shall include the following:

  • Survey map of the real estate property proposed for development, including topography.
  • Tree survey showing all protected trees (their location, common or botanical names and calipers) and preserved areas.
  • Site engineering plans showing proposed and existing improvements, including structures, paving (vehicular use area), grade changes, water retention areas, utilities, easements, street right-of-ways, etc.
  • Landscape plans and specifications including all calculations showing compliance with the landscape requirements. This part shall include identification of all protected trees proposed for removal as well as mitigation procedure and tree protection methods during construction.
  • Other plans and documents, as it may be necessary for the reviewer to determine compliance with the zoning code requirements.
  • Sediment Control Plans


The Zoning Code allows individual modifications to the landscape requirements if the landscape plan has been approved by the Planning Commission in accordance with the established procedure. This modification may be allowed if a literal enforcement of the landscape provisions would result in unnecessary hardship, but it cannot allow an overall reduction of the landscape requirements. Please discuss the issue with our landscape architect in the preliminary design phase.

E. St. Johns River Water Management District

Prior to submitting plans, drawings and specifications to the Building Inspection Division for a site clearing or building permit, the developer (owner, contractor, architect, engineer) shall obtain a permit or letter of exemption from the St. Johns River Water Management District. The District headquarters is located in Palatka and can be contacted at:

P.O. Box 1429
Palatka, FL 32178-1429
Phone 1 (386) 329-4500

There is also a field station in Jacksonville at:

7775 Baymeadows Way, Suite 102
Jacksonville, FL 32256
Phone (904) 730-6270
For permits call the Jacksonville number.

NOTE: Based on Chapter 40C-42, Florida Administrative Code, Rule: 'Regulations of Stormwater Management Systems' a permit from the St. Johns River Water Management District is required for construction (including operation and maintenance) of a stormwater management system which serves a project that exceeds any of the following thresholds:

  • Construction of 4,000 square feet or more of impervious or semi-impervious surface area subject to vehicular traffic. This area includes roads, parking lots, driveways, and loading zones.
  • Construction of 5,000 square feet or more of building area or other impervious areas not subject to vehicular traffic.
  • Construction of 5 acres or more of recreational area. Recreation areas include but are not limited to golf courses, tennis courts, putting greens, driving ranges, or ball fields.

These thresholds include all cumulative activity, which occurs on or after the effective date of the rule revision.

We require a letter of exemption if a project does not exceed the thresholds for permits.

STEP 6. Miscellaneous approvals

A. The Department of Business Regulations - Division of Hotels and Restaurants

Plans and specifications for food service establishment such as restaurants, hot dog carts and temporary food service events shall be approved by the State of Florida Division of Hotels and Restaurants.

All plan review applications should be sent to the Tallahassee Plan Review Office - for all districts

Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Division of Hotels and Restaurants Plan Review Office
1940 North Monroe Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1011
Phone (850) 487-1395

B. The State of Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Plans and specification for supermarkets, grocery stores, meat markets, convenience stores, fruit and vegetable markets, retail bakeries, food processors and similar food operations shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Call (800) 435-7352 for more information.

C. The Duval County Public Health Division

Plans and specifications for bars, lounges, and food facilities operated by civic and fraternal organizations, as well as food operations such as child day care centers, jails, and prisons shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Health Division. Their office is located at:

921 N. Davis Street
Building B, Ste 350
Jacksonville, FL 32209
Phone (904) 253-1284

D. Other agencies (local, state or federal)

Having the plans, drawings and specifications approved by the agencies listed above does not relieve the developer (owner, contractor, engineer, architect) from obtaining permits or approvals from other agencies at the federal, state, or local level. In most cases these permits or approvals are required from: the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, The U.S. Coast Guard, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Environmental Regulation, or the Agency for Health Care Administration.

E. Special requirements based on the State of Florida law

  • Energy efficiency forms and calculations: According to the 1997 Energy Efficiency Code for Building Construction, energy code calculations shall be made a part of the plans and specifications of the building.
  • Owners, or an agent duly designated by the owner shall certify Energy Code compliance to the building official. Building officials or their officially designated representative shall assure that the compliance forms are complete and without gross errors.
  • Threshold buildings, special inspection: For buildings that are defined as 'threshold buildings' some additional documents to include an inspection plan is required from the architect and structural engineer of record. In addition, a special inspector must be retained and he/she must submit reports to the building official. Threshold building means any building which is greater than three stories or 50 feet in height or which has an assembly occupancy classification that exceeds 5,000 square feet in area and an occupant content of greater than 500 persons. See sections 553.71, 553.77, and 553.79, Florida Statutes, for details and Bulletin G13-00.
  • Manufactured buildings: In general, for projects with the application of manufactured buildings, the same documents and procedures are required as for any new commercial construction. It is very important that only buildings, which are approved by the State of Florida, may be considered for installation for commercial purposes. Please contact the Department of Community Affairs Manufactured Buildings Program 1-850-488-8466 Toll Free 1-877-352-3222 TOD 1-800-226-4329 if you have any questions.


The sets will be reviewed by all disciplines including the fire marshall. Once the review is completed, you will be notified of any comments.

NOTE: Make sure all plans are complete (mechanical, electrical, plumping (MEP). If this is a renovation project and you are not revising one or more of the MEP trades, indicate that very clearly on your plans. Many plans are returned for more information simply because we do not knw the extent of work.


Based on Ss. 320.301 & 656.109, Ordinance Code, Building Codes shall be enforced by the Building Inspection Division under the supervision of the Chief, Building Inspection Division. The Chief has the duty and authority to interpret the codes and to promulgate rules, regulations and procedures found necessary for the implementation of the Building Inspection Division codes in the City of Jacksonville. It is important to note that the City of Jacksonville is a consolidated local government and that the authority of the Building Inspection Division is limited to the City of Jacksonville. Other municipalities located with Duval County: such as, City of Jacksonville Beach, City of Atlantic Beach, City of Neptune Beach and Town of Baldwin have their own building and zoning codes regulation and enforcement.

Inspection Procedures

Notice to Owner

Notice of Commencement

Contact Information


Development Services

Phone: (904) 255-8340
Fax: (904) 301-3820

Concurrency Management System Office
Phone: (904) 255-8330
Fax: (904) 255-8331

Review Group
Phone: (904) 255-8310
Fax: (904) 255-8311

Phone: (904) 255-8300
Fax: (904) 255-8312

Permitting and Inspections

Building Inspection Division
Phone: (904) 255-8500
Fax: (904) 255-8553