First Responders Understanding our Veterans: Mental Health, Risk of Suicide
July 17, 2019
8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
The Legends Center
5130 Soutel Dr
Jacksonville, FL 32208
Join the Department of Veterans Affairs for an 8 hour presentation by Department of Veterans Affairs Police and Mental Health specialists. This training aims to improve First Responders engagement with Veterans in crisis, teaches audience about Post Deployment issues combat Veterans may experience upon returning home, focusing on Mental Health, Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD) and Suicide Prevention This training also provides an opportunity to connect First Responders who are Veterans themselves.
Program Outline:
- Adjustment Considerations.
- PTSD and other Clinical issues.
- De-Escalation and practical tips.
- Real Life Scenarios
- Stigma And Suicide Prevention for both the Veteran and First Responder.
First Responders Understanding our Veterans: Mental Health, Risk of Suicide Registration