Active Military Combat Duty Grant

Sailors aboard  Navy ship at NS MayportThis benefit has been created by the City of Jacksonville to award grants to families of qualified military personnel (QMP) who are serving or have served in combat duty and who have established a homestead in Duval County. This program, applicable to all payments after Oct. 1, 2005, will be administered by the Military Affairs,Veterans and Disabled Services Department (City of Jacksonville).

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Active Military Combat Duty means military personnel serving in an active capacity including but not limited to active duty personnel, reservists and National Guard personnel in a combat zone for a named United States military conflict (or veterans of such combat). A combat zone is any area the President of the United States designates by Executive Order as an area in which U.S. Armed Forces are engaging or have engaged in combat.

Qualified Military Personnel (QMP) include any resident (0-3 and below) who owned, resided, and had a homestead exemption upon property in Duval County on December 31 of any given year; was serving in the military; and was ordered into a combat zone for a minimum of 90 days during that year; or one or more days of service which have been interrupted due to being wounded in action, or other serious medical condition, and is unable to complete the time required. QMP shall be entitled to grants, not to exceed $800 per calendar year of the QMP's ad valorem City tax contribution, to assist in the maintenance and support of their families and homes where said QMP has served in combat duty. All applications of a QMP must be filed in a timely fashion and will be subject to funding ceilings established for the program.

Qualified Military Personnel may annually file an application with the Veterans Service Division for this grant providing the following:

(1) Beginning with the 2008 tax year: Applicants must furnish copies of official orders, or any other official certifiable documentation, specifying dates and locations of actual 'feet on soil' to and from a combat zone (of 90 or more days consecutive or cumulative, Afghanistan and Iraq only);

(2) Proof of homestead exemption;

(3) Proof of payment of taxes from the Tax Collector's office

If an applicant under this chapter, who has been awarded a grant, is found to have made any willfully false and material statement in the application for the grant, then the applicant shall be permanently disqualified from receiving any such grant in the future, and shall be subject to a civil penalty of $2,000, in addition to repayment of any grant wrongfully received.

Many active duty personnel have invested in Jacksonville by purchasing property in Duval County and making it their home. And, although these combat military members are not in Duval County to enjoy the services provided by the City, they continue to support the tax base and growth of Jacksonville by paying taxes on their homesteads. The residents of Jacksonville are indebted to these fine military members and would like to recognize their service through this grant program. Similarly, the City Council has determined the awards authorized in this ordinance serves a very deserving and proper public purpose and has created City Ordinance 2004-1270-E (Chapter 590, amended 9/27/05) the Active Military Combat Duty Grant Program.