Notice is hereby given that the Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville Finance Committee will meet via videoconference call scheduled for: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Virtual & In-Person Meeting Physical Location: Council Chambers City Hall 117 W. Duval Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Meeting ID: 951 0217 5058 Password: 887434 2:00 p.m. (If attending virtually, please join the meeting by 1:45 P.M.)
Notice is hereby given that Honorable Samuel Newby, Acting President of the Jacksonville City Council hereby calls a Hybrid In Person/ Zoom Virtual Meeting of the Rules, a Standing Committee of the Jacksonville City Council. The meeting noticed herein is offered virtually through the Zoom.US- computer application and In Person at Council Chambers. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 1, 2020, at 2:00 P.M. In an effort to encourage social distancing and in accordance with Gov. DeSantis’ Executive Order Number 20-69, “Local government bodies may utilize communications media technology, such as telephonic and video conferencing, as provided in section 120.54(5)(b)2., Florida Statutes.” The Council will operate under the provisions of Ordinance 2020-200-E as adopted by the Council on April 7, 2020 and hereto attached.
Virtual & In-Person Meeting Physical Location: Council Chambers City Hall 117 W. Duval Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Meeting ID: 951 0217 5058 Meeting Password: 887434 1:30 p.m. (If attending virtually, please join the meeting by 1:15 P.M.)
Notice is hereby given that Honorable Samuel Newby, Acting President of the Jacksonville City Council hereby calls a Hybrid In Person/ Zoom Virtual Meeting of RULES, a Standing Committee of the Jacksonville City Council. The meeting noticed herein is offered virtually through the Zoom.US- computer application and In Person at Council Chambers. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 1, 2020, at 1:30 P.M. In an effort to encourage social distancing and in accordance with Gov. DeSantis’ Executive Order Number 20-69, “Local government bodies may utilize communications media technology, such as telephonic and video conferencing, as provided in section 120.54(5)(b)2., Florida Statutes.” The Council will operate under the provisions of Ordinance 2020-200-E as adopted by the Council on April 7, 2020 and hereto attached.
Virtual & In-Person Meeting Physical Location: Council Chambers City Hall 117 W. Duval Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Meeting ID: 985 5007 1283 Password: 199685 9:30 a.m. (If attending virtually, please join the meeting by 9:15 A.M.)
Notice is hereby given that Honorable Samuel Newby, Acting President of the Jacksonville City Council hereby calls a Hybrid In Person/ Zoom Virtual Meeting of FINANCE, a Standing Committee of the Jacksonville City Council. The meeting noticed herein is offered virtually through the Zoom.US- computer application and In Person at Council Chambers. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 1, 2020, at 9:30 A.M. In an effort to encourage social distancing and in accordance with Gov. DeSantis’ Executive Order Number 20-69, “Local government bodies may utilize communications media technology, such as telephonic and video conferencing, as provided in section 120.54(5)(b)2., Florida Statutes.” The Council will operate under the provisions of Ordinance 2020-200-E as adopted by the Council on April 7, 2020 and hereto attached.
Virtual & In-Person Meeting Physical Location: Council Chambers City Hall 117 W. Duval Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Meeting ID: 985 5007 1283 Passcode: 199685 9:00 a.m. (If attending virtually, please join the meeting by 8:45 A.M.)
Notice is hereby given that Honorable Samuel Newby, Acting President of the Jacksonville City Council hereby calls a Hybrid In Person/ Zoom Virtual Meeting of FINANCE, a Standing Committee of the Jacksonville City Council. The meeting noticed herein is offered virtually through the Zoom.US- computer application and In Person at Council Chambers. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 1, 2020, at 9:00 A.M. In an effort to encourage social distancing and in accordance with Gov. DeSantis’ Executive Order Number 20-69, “Local government bodies may utilize communications media technology, such as telephonic and video conferencing, as provided in section 120.54(5)(b)2., Florida Statutes.” The Council will operate under the provisions of Ordinance 2020-200-E as adopted by the Council on April 7, 2020 and hereto attached.
Online Meeting No Physical Location LUZ AGENDA ZOOM MEETING ID: 986 1016 8778 LUZ AGENDA ZOOM MEETING PASSWORD: 823987 4:30 p.m. (Please join the meeting by 4:15 P.M.)
Notice is hereby given that the Honorable Samuel Newby, Acting President of the Jacksonville City Council hereby authorizes the call of a Zoom Virtual AGENDA Meeting of the LAND USE AND ZONING COMMITTEE, a Standing Committee of the Jacksonville City Council – at the request of the Honorable Michael Boylan, Chairman - LUZ Committee. The Zoom Virtual AGENDA Meeting will be held on Monday, August 31, 2020, at 4:30 P.M., and will be hosted virtually through the Zoom.US- computer application app. In an effort to encourage social distancing and in accordance with Gov. DeSantis’ Executive Order Number 20-69, “Local government bodies may utilize communications media technology, such as telephonic and video conferencing, as provided in section 120.54(5)(b)2., Florida Statutes.”
Virtual & In-Person Meeting Physical Location: Council Chambers City Hall 117 W. Duval Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Meeting ID: 973 8760 0371 Password: 615311 2:00 p.m. (If attending virtually, please join the meeting by 1:45 P.M.)
Notice is hereby given that Honorable Samuel Newby, Acting President of the Jacksonville City Council hereby calls a Hybrid In Person/ Zoom Virtual Meeting of the TRANSPORTATION, ENERGY, AND UTILITIES, a Standing Committee of the Jacksonville City Council. The meeting noticed herein is offered virtually through the Zoom.US- computer application and In Person at Council Chambers. The meeting will be held on Monday, August 31 2020, at 2:00 P.M. In an effort to encourage social distancing and in accordance with Gov. DeSantis’ Executive Order Number 20-69, “Local government bodies may utilize communications media technology, such as telephonic and video conferencing, as provided in section 120.54(5)(b)2., Florida Statutes.” The Council will operate under the provisions of Ordinance 2020-200-E as adopted by the Council on April 7, 2020 and hereto attached.
Notice is hereby given that the Honorable Samuel Newby, Acting President of the Jacksonville City Council, hereby CANCELS the TRANSPORTATION ENERGY AND UTILTIES AGENDA MEETING (TEU) scheduled for Monday, August 31st, 2020, at 117 West Duval Street, 1st Floor City Hall, St James Building, Jacksonville, Florida. ALL COMMITTEE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL ARE STILL SCHEDULED FOR THE WEEK OF AUGUST 31st- SEPTEMBER 1ST, 2020.
Virtual & In-Person Meeting Physical Location: Council Chambers City Hall 117 W. Duval Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Meeting ID: 923 0250 2851 Passcode: 861582 9:30 a.m. (If attending virtually, please join the meeting by 9:15 A.M.)
Notice is hereby given that Honorable Samuel Newby, Acting President of the Jacksonville City Council hereby calls a Hybrid In-Person/ Zoom Virtual Meeting of the NEIGHBORHOODS, COMMUNITY SERVICES, PUBLIC HEALTHY COMMITTEE, a Standing Committee of the Jacksonville City Council. The meeting noticed herein is offered virtually through the Zoom.US- computer application and In Person at Council Chambers. The meeting will be held on Monday, August 31, 2020, at 9:30 A.M. In an effort to encourage social distancing and in accordance with Gov. DeSantis’ Executive Order Number 20-69, “Local government bodies may utilize communications media technology, such as telephonic and video conferencing, as provided in section 120.54(5)(b)2., Florida Statutes.” The Council will operate under the provisions of Ordinance 2020-200-E as adopted by the Council on April 7, 2020 and hereto attached.
Online Meeting No Physical Location Meeting ID: 966 3013 6092 Password: 240530 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Please join the meeting by 1:45 P.M.)
Notice is hereby given that the Honorable Samuel Newby, Acting President of the Jacksonville City Council, hereby approves the ZOOM VIRTUAL SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON RESILIENCY, Chaired by the Honorable Randy DeFoor, scheduled for 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM on Friday, August 28, 2020, with no physical location. The purpose of the Zoom Virtual Meeting will discuss reports from the subcommittees, review details and other items pertaining to resiliency matters. The Zoom Virtual Meeting will be held on Friday, August 28, 2020, at 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM, and will be hosted virtually through the Zoom.US- computer application app. In an effort to encourage social distancing and in accordance with Gov. DeSantis’ Executive Order Number 20-69, “Local government bodies may utilize communications media technology, such as telephonic and video conferencing, as provided in section 120.54(5)(b)2., Florida Statutes.” The Council will operate under the provisions of Ordinance 2020-200-E as adopted by the Council on April 7, 2020 hereto attached.