Online Meeting No Physical Location Meeting ID: 941 5620 4683 Password: 027257 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. (Please join the meeting by 3:50 P.M.)
Notice is hereby given that the Honorable Joyce Morgan, Subcommittee Chairperson, hereby schedules a ZOOM VIRTUAL NOTICED Meeting of the SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON RESILIENCY’S: SUBCOMMITTEE ON INFRASTRUCTURE, AND CONTINUITY OF OPERATIONS FOR ESSENTIAL SERVICES. The meeting will be held in conjunction with Members of the Special Committee on Resiliency, Members of the Jacksonville City Council, and other elected or appointed members of Boards and Commission are invited to attend. The Zoom Virtual Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM, August 12, 2020, - NO MEETING LOCATION, Jacksonville, Florida. The purpose of the Zoom Virtual Meeting is to discuss organizational timelines, discussion of reports, and to follow the charge as provided below and topics thereto pertaining:
Notice is hereby given that the Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville Board Chair will meet individually with each board member via teleconference call: MS Teams Conference ID: 393 826 204# +1 470-443-0586 United States, Atlanta (Toll) (877) 286-5733 United States (Toll-free) View full teleconference schedule here.
Notice is hereby given that the Kids Hope Alliance (KHA) Finance Committee will meet on Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. via Zoomteleconference pursuant to State of Florida Executive Order 20-69 (Emergency Management-COVID-19-Local Government Public Meetings). The purpose of this meeting is for the KHA Finance Committee to consider and take action on items on its meeting agenda, which can be found at the following location by the Friday prior to the meeting date:
Online Meeting No Physical Location Meeting ID: 954 6386 0080 Password: 819827 9:30 a.m. (Please join the meeting by 9:15 A.M.)
Notice is hereby given that the Honorable Samuel Newby, Acting President of the Jacksonville City Council, hereby approves the ZOOM VIRTUAL NOTICED JACKSONVIULLE WATERWAYS COMMISISON, at the request of the HONORABLE AL FERRARO to be held in conjunction with Members of the Jacksonville Waterways Commission, Members of the Jacksonville City Council, and other elected or appointed members of Boards and Commission are invited to attend. The Zoom Virtual Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 12, 2020, at 9:30 AM - NO MEETING LOCATION, Jacksonville, Florida. The purpose of the Zoom Virtual Meeting is to discuss items ion the Jacksonville Waterways Commission Agenda and topics thereto pertaining.
Virtual (Zoom Meeting) (**No physical location will be available for this public meeting**) 9:30 a.m.
Notice is hereby given that the Tree Commission will meet pursuant to State of Florida Executive Order 20-69 (Emergency Management-COVID-19-Local Government Public Meetings). These meetings are pursuant to City Ordinance 2017-397, Chapter 54.
Notice is hereby given that the Tree Commission Meeting will next meet on Tuesday, August 11th at 9:30am. This meeting is a ZOOM meeting. Documents for the meeting can be found on the Tree Commission webpage: