City of Jacksonville


Hemming Park Announces Bingo & Benefits

February 21, 2020
Friends of Hemming Park is proud to host events in Hemming Park located at 135 W. Monroe Street in the heart of Downtown Jacksonville. All activities listed below are free and open to the public.

2020 Spring Break Camp

February 19, 2020
Let JaxParks help you plan Spring Break! COME PLAY WITH US!


630-CITY Free Tree Planting Program

February 19, 2020
Do you like trees? Do you like FREE trees planted for you in front of your house? If you answered yes, the 630-CITY FREE tree planting program sounds like it could be for you.

City Offices and Facilities Closed for Presidents' Day

February 14, 2020
In observance of Presidents’ Day, several City government offices and facilities will be closed Monday, Feb. 17.

Mayor to Appoint Seven to JEA Board of Directors

February 11, 2020
Legislation to be Filed with City Council on Feb. 12

Household Hazardous Waste Mobile Collection Event

February 07, 2020
With a focus on addressing blight and poor neighborhood conditions, the City of Jacksonville offers citizens opportunities and events that encourage appropriate disposal of waste and other debris throughout Jacksonville. One of these many efforts is through the Solid Waste Division, which hosts household hazardous waste (HHW) and electronic waste (e-waste) mobile collection events throughout the year.

Hanna Park History and Ecology Tour

February 07, 2020
Did you know Hanna Park used to be called Manhattan Beach and was Florida’s first beach community for African Americans?

EWC Stadium Groundbreaking

February 06, 2020
In a demonstration of continuous support for the New Town community and the Edward Waters College (EWC) Community Revitalization Project, Mayor Curry will help break ground at the site of EWC’s future stadium.

Inaugural Neighborhood Awards Nominations

February 05, 2020
The City’s Neighborhoods Department is encouraging neighborhood organizations to apply for its inaugural Neighborhood Awards, which will highlight community groups that have excelled in improving Jacksonville for its citizens.
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