City of Jacksonville


Mayor's Asian American Advisory Board Small Business Startup Workshop

February 25, 2012 - February 25, 2012 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Ed Ball Building
214 N. Hogan St. 
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
The Mayor’s Asian American Advisory Board will host a Small Business Startup Workshop. The event is designed for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to learn more information about running their own business.
Keynote Speakers
Russell Ward, Counselor; Service Corps of Retired Executives
Andre Higgins, CPA Audit Manager; LBA Certified Public Accountants
Jo-Anne Yau, Esq., Corporate Law Attorney; The Yau Law Firm

The event will focus on four major areas that include: planning, marketing and advertising, accounting and finance, and obtaining legal advice from a business lawyer.

For more information on the agenda and to register, visit:

View the flyer.