International Surfing Day Beach Cleanups
June 23, 2013
- June 23, 2013
1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
16th Avenue South
Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250
The City of Jacksonville and Keep Jacksonville Beautiful (KJB) will partner with the First Coast Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation, UNF Surfrider and Jacksonville Surf Training for a beach cleanup on June 23 from 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. at 16th Avenue South in Jacksonville Beach.
Trash bags and gloves will be distributed to volunteers. Cleanup participants must be at least 18 years old or accompanied by an adult, and should wear sturdy footwear and sun protection. Advance registration is NOT required.
The trash cleanup event will also feature a cigarette litter cleanup competition with prizes for winners, and the distribution of portable ash trays provided by Keep America Beautiful, of which KJB is an affiliate.
For more information, please contact Dan Durbec at Keep Jacksonville Beautiful, (904) 630-3420, or Patrick Snyder at First Coast Surfrider, (856) 912-8117.