City of Jacksonville


sprinkler watering green grass

Time for Duval Residents to Change Lawn Irrigation Schedule

October 30, 2020
As Duval County residents mark the end of Daylight Saving Time by resetting their clocks Sunday, Nov. 1, the City of Jacksonville’s Environmental Quality Division is reminding them to adjust their lawn and landscape irrigation schedule to one day per week. Designed to conserve Jacksonville’s water supply and reduce the amount of nutrients flowing into the St. Johns River, Chapter 366 of the City’s Ordinance Code limits watering to one day a week from the first Sunday in November to the second Sunday in March.
Residential properties with an address that ends in an odd number, N-Z* or places without an address may water on Saturday; those addresses that end in an even number or A-M** may water on Sunday. Non-residential irrigation is only permitted on Tuesday. Additionally, citizens should not water lawns between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Visit for more information including exceptions to the schedule, penalties and enforcement.

*An odd number address is a street address whereby the numeric part of the address is an odd number (103 John Doe Street) or the alpha-numeric part of the address ends with any of the letters N-Z (104-N John Doe Street).   

**An even number address is a street address whereby the numeric part of the address is an even number (108 John Doe Street) or the alpha-numeric part of the street address ends with any of the letters A-M (109A John Doe Street).