City of Jacksonville

patriotic 4th of july dog and cat

Stars, Stripes and Safety: Keeping Pets Safe During July 4th Celebrations

July 03, 2022
Independence Day is a holiday characterized by warm weather, barbecues and fireworks. For many people, it is a time to celebrate with family and friends – including the furry ones. But the holiday can also be dangerous and frightening for pets, especially the fireworks. Loud firework displays may cause pets to become frightened or disoriented, sometimes leading them to panic and even escape their yards and homes. This can result in a surge in the number of animals picked up or brought in to shelters by residents who find them.

Below are a few safety tips from Animal Care and Protective Services (ACPS) that will keep pets safe on Independence Day:

  • Keep your pets secured INSIDE your home
  • Provide a safe spot from loud noises
  • NEVER use fireworks around pets
  • Be prepared in the event that your pet does escape
  • Have your pet properly identified/microchipped
  • Keep emergency contact information handy

Did you find a lost pet that may have been scared by fireworks? Here is what to do to help the pet get back home.

  • Walk around the neighborhood where the pet was found. Knock on doors and talk to neighbors to see if they recognize the pet.
  • Look for flyers and lost pet signs.
  • Use the power of the internet and social media! Post on pet sites life Nextdoor, Facebook, and Petco Love Lost.
  • Scan for a microchip – shelters, most vet offices, and even some pet stores can help.
  • Contact ACPS and the Jacksonville Humane Society to check for lost pet reports.
  • Email for more tips and to find out what to do next.