City of Jacksonville


Town Hall Meeting Empty Conference Room with Red Chairs

Register for the Quarterly COJ Nonprofit Gateway Town Hall

October 13, 2020
The City of Jacksonville, through the Office of the Mayor, hosts quarterly Nonprofit Gateway Town Hall meetings to help local nonprofits better understand how to do business and partner with the City of Jacksonville. These quarterly Town Halls also give nonprofits a platform to regularly engage with representatives of key departments. This program is in partnership with the Nonprofit Center of Northeast Florida.  


Nonprofits & COJ department/division representatives


Tuesday, October 20, 2020
9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.


Online (Zoom Meeting).
Please register to receive meeting link. 


I.   Welcome & Introductions 

II. Strategic Partnerships - Updates & Announcements
•    Nonprofit Gateway Website
•    COJ/HUD Public-Philanthropic Initiative Award

III.  COJ Department & Division Updates 
•    Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Services 
•    Emergency Preparedness Division
•    Jacksonville Public Library 
•    Kids Hope Alliance
•    Military Affairs & Veterans Department
•    Neighborhoods Department
•    Office of Grants & Compliance

III. Open Floor / Q & A