City of Jacksonville


Mayor Curry presenting pension reform legislation to City Council on April 6, 2017.

Mayor Presents Final Pension Reform Legislation to City Council

April 07, 2017
Mayor Lenny Curry introduced pension reform legislation to the members of City Council at a workshop on Thursday, April 6, 2017.
City Council approval is the final step in adopting pension reform, solving Jacksonville's pension crisis once and for all in a way that is good for taxpayers and the future of our city.

The solution the mayor's negotiating team presented empowers Jacksonville to resolve our city’s long-term pension liability challenge, contributing to greater opportunities for improvements in public safety, youth services, neighborhoods and economic development. The plans recognize the inherent dangers of public safety employees, and the concerns and needs of surviving loved ones. It is designed to also recruit and retain the highest quality public safety employees, and secure our city’s long-term fiscal stability by solving our unfunded pension liability for good.

Get more information about the Mayor's plan and view materials presented at the City Council Workshop.