Do you know your flood risk? Local and County officials are hosting a series of Flood Risk Open Houses to provide the Duval County general public with an opportunity to learn more about newly updated flood maps, known as Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). Both Duval County and community officials, as well as FEMA and FL DEM Floodplain Management Office representatives, will be on hand to answer questions about the updated maps, the mapping process, flood risk, and flood insurance. Come any time between the hours indicated below—no appointment necessary. Information about disaster-related recovery efforts and outstanding insurance claims will not be available at this event.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Community Center and Exhibition Hall
2508 South Beach Parkway
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Community Center and Exhibition Hall
2508 South Beach Parkway
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Edward Ball Building
214 North Hogan Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202
What changes will we see on the new FIRMS?
Some buildings, for the first time, may be included in the high-risk area, known as the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA).
If, based on the new maps, the building is in the SFHA (flood zones beginning with “A”, “AE”, “V,” or “VE”) and is mortgaged through a federally regulated and insured lender, the property owner may be required to carry flood insurance after the new maps go into effect.
Some buildings will be shown in the new maps as being in a different high-risk zone (e.g., from Zone AE to Zone VE) or may have their Base Flood Elevation increase or decrease.
Premiums are generally higher in areas that are at greater risk of flooding than in those at moderate or minimal risk of flooding; therefore, changes in Base Flood Elevation may affect flood insurance rates.
However, some buildings may be removed from the mapped SFHA.
If the building is currently mapped in a SFHA, but on the new FIRM it is mapped into a moderate-to-low-risk flood area, flood insurance is no longer federally required.
However, the mortgage holder/lender may still require flood insurance.
Homeowners and renters, at their discretion, may maintain flood insurance at the lower rates offered for buildings outside the SFHA.
Is it possible for me to view where my home lies on the new preliminary maps (FIRMs) prior to the Flood Risk Open House?
The Preliminary FIRMs are available on the FEMA Map Service Center website,, or call the FEMA Map Information eXchange (FMIX) at 1-877-FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627) or your local floodplain administrator or building official.
Who should attend the Flood Risk Open House?
You should attend a Flood Risk Open House if your property is currently mapped within a SFHA, newly mapped into a SFHA, and/or if you currently have flood insurance. If you are unsure of your flood risk, please refer to the Preliminary FIRMs that are available on the FEMA Map Service Center website,, or call the FEMA Map Information eXchange (FMIX) at 1-877-FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627) or your local floodplain administrator or building official.
What happens at the Flood Risk Open House?
Property owners can meet one-on-one with FEMA representatives who will be able to explain the preliminary flood hazard maps and answer questions about flood insurance.
Do I have to stay at the Open House for the entire time?
No. Come at any time between the hours indicated—we recommend planning to spend up to an hour at the Open House to ensure you have enough time to get the information you need. The Open House is structured so you can move freely between the stations.
As a homeowner, what should I bring to the Flood Risk Open House?
You only need to bring along an address to learn about your current level of flood risk. You may also bring a current flood insurance policy and/or elevation certificate for more specific information about your flood insurance options.
Will I have to buy flood insurance?
Flood insurance rates are determined by the current effective FIRMs. If, according to the new preliminary maps, your property is located in a SFHA and is mortgaged through a federally regulated and insured lender, you may be required to purchase flood insurance once the preliminary map becomes effective. There is time—the updated maps are not scheduled to go effective until late 2017 or 2018. However, flooding can happen anywhere, which means purchasing flood insurance is a good idea even for property owners in low and moderate risk areas.
Will I be able to buy insurance on-site?
No. NFIP policies can be purchased from any state licensed property and casualty insurance agents. Through working with an insurance agent, you should be able to discuss different insurance options and decide which one would be best for you. You may already work with these agents for other property insurance needs. To find an insurance agent in your area who sells flood insurance, visit at:
Are the effects of Hurricane Matthew accounted for in the new maps?
The effects of Hurricane Matthew fall within the range of flooding that was considered by the study. Coastal storms affect different areas in different ways depending a variety of things like the path of the storm, the timing of the tides in relation to when the storm passes, wind speeds and directions, etc. For this reason, FEMA’s flood studies are not based on any one specific storm that has affected an area. Instead, flood maps are based on a large set of storms that capture the wide range of flooding an area may possibly experience.
What if I disagree with the new maps?
You can formally appeal information that is presented in the new maps. The Open House is a great place to learn more about the appeal process, including how to file an appeal or comment. If you are unable to attend the Open House, your local floodplain manager’s office is a key resource for appeals information. You also can learn more about the process here: