City of Jacksonville


Two small children playing near a retention pond

City Council Members Introduce Pond Safety Awareness Campaign

August 14, 2020

Jacksonville City Council members LeAnna Cumber, District 5, and Ju’Coby Pittman, District 8, have launched an awareness campaign in an effort to inform residents about the potential dangers and important functions of retention ponds. The campaign features a web page,, which provides information discouraging the use of retention ponds for recreational activities, like swimming, boating and fishing. In addition to the list of hazards, visitors will also find a map with the locations of City-managed ponds; safety tips, including how to get out of a pond after an accidental slip; and information about ponds’ crucial roles in water quality treatment and flood control.

“I am so excited about this public safety campaign,” said Cumber. “I want to thank my colleague Councilmember Pittman for her collaboration in making this public awareness campaign happen, and thank Mayor Curry for his commitment to the safety of Jacksonville residents. Retention ponds are a critical part of our city’s flood control infrastructure. It is imperative however, that residents understand that while often attractive, retention ponds are not intended for any type of recreation. Residents must understand the dangers, such as drowning, they pose to our children, as well as adults. This campaign is designed to get this message out to all Jacksonville residents so we can keep our friends and families safe.”

Pittman added: "In these uncertain times, it's important that we are the watchdogs for dangers like retention ponds that are a part of the rich fabric of our community, but unsafe for our children. Another senseless death of a child from the silent killer of a retention pond is unacceptable and unforgettable. Councilmember Cumber and I believe that our pond safety campaign is a wake up call for our community. We are appreciative of our City Council colleagues for their legislative support and Mayor Curry's alignment to promote this visible public safety campaign that will help save lives where we all work and play."

Residents are encouraged to visit and share the available resources on their social media pages using #PondSafetyJax.