City of Jacksonville


Citizens Reminded of Year-Round Burn Ban for Duval County

May 11, 2017
Ban has been expanded, restricting bonfires, Mayor and Fire Chief Announce.
This morning, Mayor Lenny Curry, joined by Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department (JFRD) officials, hosted a news conference to address the fiery conditions in neighboring counties and any potential impacts on Jacksonville.

“As we frequently do when our neighboring counties are threatened by flood, tropical storms, or other emergencies, Jacksonville stands ready to assist state and federal agencies when appropriate,” said Mayor Lenny Curry. “We are monitoring conditions here in Duval County, and taking preventative measures to protect the people of Jacksonville.”

At the news conference, Mayor Curry and JFRD Chief Kurt Wilson reminded citizens of Jacksonville’s year-round Burn Ban and announced its expansion restricting bonfires, campfires and other ceremonial fires through June 1, or until weather conditions improve. Cooking fires within charcoal or propane-fed grills or other similar devices specifically intended for cooking are still permitted. To report violations, citizens should call 630-CITY(2489) by phone or online at

Additionally, the City of Jacksonville’s Environmental Quality Division, has issued an air quality advisory. Smoke from forest fires in the area west, northwest of Duval County are contributing to elevated Particulate Matter and Ozone concentrations. As a result, children, the elderly, and individuals with chronic respiratory conditions should take steps to avoid prolonged exposure by staying indoors and refraining from strenuous outdoor activities and exercises.

The City’s Environmental Quality Division maintains a website environmental-quality/ambient-air-monitoring-activity.aspx that identifies Air Quality Index levels for the city. Current air quality conditions in Jacksonville are in the moderate range. Daily updates are provided on the Website.

Jacksonville residents are encouraged to download the JaxReady app, a tool that provides information on threat levels, weather reports, and news feeds for emergency preparedness announcements. Links to download the JaxReady app and Emergency Preparedness Guide can be found at