City of Jacksonville

Jacksonville Assistance and Relief Program
Welcome to the requirements page for the Jacksonville Assistance and Relief Program!

Please read the following conditions very carefully before applying. In order to be approved for the JAR Program, you must meet all the requirements in Section 1 and Section 2, then you must qualify for one of the options in Section 3.

Please understand that the usual abatement process will still be followed even if you are approved. The JAR Program prevents liens from being placed on the property after the abatement occurs or remove liens that have already been placed; it will not prevent the abatement.

Let’s get started!

(Section 1) Who is eligible?

  • If my case is OPEN, it must concern one or more of the following issues:
    • Nuisance Debris (Trash and debris, with or without overgrowth)
    • Nuisance Board Up (Unsecured openings on a vacant structure)
    • Unsafe (Condemned structure)
    • Pool Board Up OR Abandonment (Unsecured pool on a vacant structure)
    • Septic Board Up OR Abandonment (Open septic tank)
    • Nuisance Graffiti (Graffiti on structure)
  • If my case is CLOSED, it must concern one of the following issues:
    • Nuisance Debris (Trash and debris, with or without overgrowth)
    • Nuisance Board Up (Unsecured openings on a vacant structure)
    • Unsafe (Condemned structure)
    • Pool Board Up OR Abandonment (Unsecured pool on a vacant structure)
    • Septic Board Up OR Abandonment (Open septic tank)
    • Nuisance Graffiti (Graffiti on structure)
    • Nuisance Tree (Dead tree or dead limbs)
    • Nuisance Overgrowth (Overgrowth of vegetation or lawn)
  • I must be the current registered owner of the property according to the Property Appraiser’s website.
  • I currently reside within the City of Jacksonville*
    • *Does NOT include Jacksonville/Atlantic/Neptune Beach, Ponte Vedra, or Baldwin.
  • (For Nuisance Debris, Nuisance Graffiti, Nuisance Trees, Nuisance Overgrowth) ) I currently reside at the property, unless it is a vacant lot.
  • I must NOT have received this property as part of the Surplus Property Donation Program.
  • I have owned the subject property for the last six (6) consecutive months or longer.
  • I have NOT utilized the JAR program within the last year.
  • If my case is closed, the lien must have been set less than 6 months ago.

(Section 2) Who is NOT eligible?

  • Repeat violators. 
  • Tenants or other non-owners.
  • Those who do not reside in the City of Jacksonville.
  • Corporations, organizations, or businesses of any sort, including non-profit organizations. 
  • If I have already used the JAR Program this year for THIS property.
  • If I have already used the JAR Program four times this year for ANY properties.
  • If the lien was set more than 6 months from the date of the application.
  • If I have already complied the violations. The JAR Program does not reimburse for expended costs.

(Section 3) If you meet all of the conditions above, you must meet ONE of the two options below:

  • Option 1: Qualification Through Disability
    • Citizens who are current members of any of the following COJ sanctioned programs:
      • Solid Waste Assistance Program (Disabled Services Division)
      • Wheelchair Ramp Assistance Program (Disabled Services Division)
      • Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program: EHEAP (Senior Services)
      • Home Repairs Program: HOIM (Senior Services)
      • Congregate Drive-Thru Meal Distribution (Senior Services)
      • Congregate Meal Deliveries (Senior Services)
      • Emergency Assistance Program (Social Services Division)
      • Victim Services Program (Social Services Division)
      • All Social Services Division programs will qualify
  • Option 2: Qualification Through Income Verification

(Section 4) I believe I qualify for the JAR Program- what should I do?

  • Step 1: Depending on which of the two options that you qualify under, please download the corresponding application below. If you qualify through both Disability and Income Verification, please ONLY submit the Disability application. These applications are also available for pick up at MCCD front offices.
  •  Step 2: Print the application and fill it out completely. Please pay special attention to all instructions and answer all the questions.
  • Step 3: Mail or deliver the hard copy application AND any supplemental documentation to the following address. Emailed or Faxed applications will not be accepted under any circumstances.
Neighborhoods Department
Municipal Code Compliance Division
C/O Jacksonville Assistance and Relief Program
214 N. Hogan Street, 7th Floor
Jacksonville, Florida 32202 
  • Step 4: Please wait. Once a determination has been reached, an approval or denial letter will be sent to the address that you provided on your application.
    • This process can take several weeks. Please refrain from calling the office about your application. We will notify you of the results.
  • Step 5:
    • If your application was approved, the case will continue forward with abatement in due course. No fines or liens will be filed against you for this service.
    • If your application was denied, the case will continue forward. Please make arrangements to comply the violation(s) in your case(s) as soon as possible. There are no appeals to this decision. 
Please understand that only those resource programs listed above will be accepted- no other assistance or disability programs qualify for JAR. If you feel that you require the services of one or more of the programs listed above, please follow these links to get more information from the COJ Divisions that host them: