Current Planning Division
The Current Planning Division addresses short-term growth and development issues through review of proposed zoning changes and consists of professional planning staff and administrative clerical support who assist the public with questions relating to the Zoning Code, zoning verification, permitting, application processes for zoning changes, and Requests for Reasonable Accommodation pursuant to the federal Fair Housing Act and Americans with Disabilities Act. The Division provides review and recommendations on all Current Planning applications, conducts public hearings on administrative deviations; exceptions, variances, and waivers of liquor distance licenses; planned unit developments (PUDs); cellular antenna reviews; land use amendments, companion rezonings, and text amendments; conventional rezonings; and minor modifications and administrative deviation appeals. The Division also administers zoning overlay districts for the Downtown, Mayport, Springfield, Mandarin Road and Height, and San Marco.
The Current Planning Division is responsible for the administration and professional support to the Jacksonville Ordinance Code: Chapter 654, Subdivision Regulations and Chapter 656, Zoning Code and provides technical assistance to:
Current Planning also houses the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Section which creates and maintains a comprehensive library of land development and demographic/socioeconomic related datasets and GIS layers including Future Land Use, Zoning and Council Districts/Redistricting.
The Land Use and Zoning Application Portal allows on-line submittal of Land Use and Zoning Applications, related planner administration, case tracking and case documentation.
- Please refer to the Zoning Code for details on each classification.
- Need more information about a specific zoning district? Please review our Zoning District Summaries
- Curious to know the zoning district of your property? Please visit our GIS maps.
Zoning Applications:
To view all active and sufficient applications, please visit:
(Paper Applications submitted in person are not available online. Please call 255-7800 to obtain a copy of the application)
Miscellaneous Zoning Requests:
Backyard Residential Hen Permit (English Version)
Backyard Residential Hen Permit (Spanish Version)
Certifcate of Use (COU)
Renew Arlington CRA Zoning Overlay
Zoning Application Fees
Zoning Confirmation Letter
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Backyard Residential Hen Permit Questions
Zoning FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Current Planning Division Staff
Erin Abney, Chief
Can be reached at (904) 255-7817
Email Erin Abney
Connor Corrigan, City Planner Supervisor
Can be reached at (904) 255-7844
Email Connor Corrigan
Kaysie Cox, City Planner Supervisor
Can be reached at (904) 255-7823
Email Kaysie Cox
Andy Hetzel, City Planner III
Can be reached at (904) 255-7821
Email Andy Hetzel
Payton Jamieson, City Planner I
Can be reached at (904) 255-7832
Email Payton Jamieson
Stephen Nagbe, City Planner I
Can be reached at (904) 255-7827
Email Stephen Nagbe
GIS Staff
Howard Seltzer, City Planner III
Can be reached at (904) 255-7846
Email Howard Seltzer
The main office phone number is (904) 255-7800 ask for a City Planner.
The main address is Ed Ball Building 214 N. Hogan Street, Suite 300 Jacksonville, FL 32202.