Ethics Commission


Complaints to Ethics Commission

Complaint Form and Complaint Procedures

The purpose of the Complaint Form is to start a review of a case by the Ethics Commission if the Commission has the authority to review the matter. Click on the link below to download and complete the Complaint Form.  Please attach any relevant documents or materials.  Your complaint must be signed and notarized.

Mark the entire package “Confidential.” The Complaint Form may be submitted through the following different ways:  (1) scanned and  emailed to; (2) delivered by mail or in person to the Ethics Officer, Suite 225, City Hall, 117 West Duval Street, Jacksonville, Florida, 32202, or (3) delivered at a regularly scheduled Ethics Commission meeting. See upcoming Ethics Commission meeting notices on the Ethics Office Notices, Agendas & Minutes page.

Ethics Commission Complaint Form

Ethics Commission Complaint Procedures


Per Florida Statutes section 112.324, complaints filed with the Ethics Commission are confidential and exempt from public records disclosure until one of the following occurs:  (1) the complaint is dismissed by the Ethics Commission as legally insufficient; (2) the alleged violator requests in writing that such records and proceedings be made public; or (3) the Ethics Commission determines whether probable cause exists to believe that a violation has occurred.  Records of each complaint may be requested from the Ethics Office and provided to the requesting party when one of the circumstances described above occurs. 

2020 Written Dispositions
Agreement of Ethics Commission Complaints 2020-F and 2020-G
2019 Written Dispositions
Letter to Sheriff of Ethics Commission Complaint 2019-E
2018 Written Dispositions
Dismissal of Ethics Commission Complaint 2018-H and Letter of Instruction
Dismissal of Ethics Commission Complaint 2018-M and Letter of Instruction