City of Jacksonville


Doing Business with the City

Supplier Portal

What We Buy

The Procurement Division buys goods, supplies, maintenance, construction and other services for the consolidated City of Jacksonville.

How We Buy

The Procurement Code (Ordinance Code Chapter 126) requires that all orders for goods and services exceeding the established thresholds are procured using the formal bid process. Orders for goods and services under the established thresholds are procured using the informal process. Purchasing Analysts are responsible for purchasing all commodities or services assigned to them above formal thresholds and Buyers are responsible for purchases below formal thresholds. Purchasing Analysts and Buyers are assigned Department/Division as the central point of contact for all procurement needs.

Policies and Procedures

Chapter 126 Procurement Code
Procurement Manual

Bidder's List

The City maintains a bidders list for which suppliers must register with the City of Jacksonville 1Cloud system. All suppliers interested in being certified as a (JSEB) Jacksonville Small Emerging Business must complete the JSEB portion of the supplier registration section in the Supplier Portal.

The site for registration can be found under the Supplier Portal link. Use of this system will allow suppliers to view/update supplier contact information; receive purchase orders and bid solicitations; respond to informal and formal bid solicitations electronically; and view payment history.

If you provide commodities, (contact the Procurement Division at (904) 255-8800). If you are interested in learning more about JSEB certification, (contact the Equal Business Office at (904) 255-8840).

Completing the Bid Proposal

Bidders should carefully review all specifications, terms and conditions contained in the Bid Invitation prior to submitting a quote, bid or proposal. All Bid submissions must be transmitted electronically through 1Cloud    Supplier Portal included with the bid notification. It is the sole responsibility of the Supplier to ensure that its Bid response is submitted through 1Cloud Supplier Portal no later than the time and date specified in the Bid or subsequent addenda.

Protest Procedures

To ensure that the City employs sound purchasing procedures, it has adopted Procurement Protest Procedures, pursuant to which any person or entity that is adversely affected by a decision or an intended decision concerning a solicitation, solicitation documents, award, or any other process or procedure prescribed in chapter 126, Jacksonville Ordinance Code, otherwise known as the Procurement Code, and who has standing to protest said decision or intended decision under Florida law, must timely file a written Notice of Protest seeking to challenge the decision or intended decision. For a copy of the Procurement Protest Procedures, please click on the following link: Protest Procedures  (

Advertising for Bids

The Procurement Division provides public notification of all solicitations on its webpage at Solicitation Abstracts

Equal Business Opportunity Office

This office is in place to certify small businesses and to promote their growth and economic development. Once a business is certified, they are placed into the City's Jacksonville Small Emerging Business directory where they may be utilized for procurement purposes. If you would like more information on the certification process, please call the EBO office at (904) 255-8840.

Code of Ethics

In the procurement of supplies and services we stringently adhere to the City of Jacksonville Code of Ethics. Copies are available upon request.

Transparency in City of Jacksonville Procurement Processes

The City of Jacksonville, its departments and its independent agencies support the Florida 'Government in the Sunshine' laws, designed to provide transparency and openness in government operations. The Florida law on 'Public Records' may be found in its entirety in Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes

Bid Award

Formal bids are awarded by the agency seeking the service or supplies requested by the bid invitation. The Procurement Division reviews and prepares award recommendations for the approval of Jacksonville Procurement Awards Committee and the Mayor. Suppliers having questions or protests relative to bid awards should contact the Chief of Procurement for information prior to the bid award.

Notice of Bid Acceptance

Award notices are emailed to all bidders on formal bid solicitations. Unless the bid requires that a contract be executed following award, a purchase order will be sent to the successful bidder. If a bid bond is required, the Procurement Division will retain bid security deposits until an award is made.

Direct Deposit Payments

When making direct deposit payments please fill out the following form - ACH Direct Deposit Form.

Legal Related Services

In order for your company to provide services below, it must be placed on the approved Legal Related Services List.

Legal Related Services Subcategories Include: Abstracts and Title Insurance, Court Reporter, Printing Firms for Printing Services for the Supervisor of Elections Office, Expert Witness, Fixture Appraiser, Legal Assistant, Printing of Legal Briefs and Official Statements for the Sale of Bonds, Publication of Legal Notices, Preparation and Printing of Bonds, Polygraph Examiners, Psychiatrists and Psychologists, Real Estate Acquisition Services, and Appraisers of Real Property.

Please send a written request, resume and professional license to: the Procurement Division, 214 N. Hogan Street, Suite 800, Jacksonville, FL 32202.

Ex-Offender Re-entry Program Providers

It is the policy of the City of Jacksonville that the rehabilitation of ex-offenders is an essential component in a community fight against criminal activity; the hiring of ex-offenders into fair paying jobs helps restore the economic stability of ex-offenders, perpetuates their rehabilitation, reduces recidivism and contributes to a community crime free environment; providing consideration and opportunities to ex-offenders with companies doing business with the City of Jacksonville can be accomplished without compromising the security of the businesses, or the City and its citizens, and without unnecessarily depriving others of opportunities; and that the City of Jacksonville should take a leading role in the rehabilitation of ex-offenders, and has done so through the City's third-party service provider ex-offender re-entry programs that provide job training and/or job placement services to Ex-Offenders.

Compliance Report - Full and Fair Consideration of Ex-Offenders for Awarded Contractor

Following is a listing of service providers the City is contracting with that may assist contractors/suppliers with hiring ex-offenders: