City of Jacksonville’s Supplier Portal Information
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Supplier Login
Register as a Supplier

All responses to COJ solicitations must be submitted through the City's e-procurement system 1Cloud. If you need to refresh yourself on the instructions for viewing and responding to solicitations please refer to the Instructional Materials posted below.

All Bid submissions must be transmitted electronically through 1Cloud Supplier Portal included with the bid notification. It is the sole responsibility of the Supplier to ensure that its Bid response is submitted through 1Cloud supplier portal no later than the time and date specified in the Bid or subsequent addenda.
  • Bidder is responsible for allowing adequate time to upload its submittal on 1Cloud before the electronic submission deadline. If technical difficulties arise during submission of the Bid response, it is the Bidder's responsibility to contact the Procurement Division representative at the phone number listed on the bid form. City shall not be responsible for delays caused in any occurrence.
  • Submittals hand delivered, or sent by mail, facsimile, electronic mail, telephone, or any other means not specified within the solicitation documents will not be accepted. Bidder or Proposer may be allowed to withdraw its bid or proposal at any time prior to opening. Bid submittals may not be withdrawn after the bid due date. Once the Bid response is submitted, a confirmation number will appear on the Supplier Portal.
We encourage all suppliers to make sure their contact information is accurate by removing any e-mails or phone numbers that are no longer valid. We also recommend using a generic email address for the ordering contact, that is monitored by a sales team rather than one individual. For example,
If you have any questions, please contact us at or (904) 255-8800.

Instruction Materials

Submit Purchase Order Matched Invoice

Submit invoices to

The Email Subject Line MUST BE: inv_300000008806179 

Copy and paste inv_300000008806179 into the Subject Line of your invoice email

Supplier Pre-Qualification and Demolition - For questions, please call Marilyn Laidler (904) 255-8804 or Donica Golden (904) 255-8821.

Here are the links to Pre-Qualification Procedures and Applications:

Construction Pre-Qualification Procedures – (over $500,000) 

Construction Pre-Qualification Application – (over $500,000) 

Demolition Pre-Qualification Procedures – (under $500,000)

Demolition Pre-Qualification Application – (under $500,000)

For questions about Procedures and Applications, please call Marilyn Laidler (904) 255-8804.

Disqualified Suppliers
Disqualified Supplier List - If you have any questions, please call Cindy Phillips (904) 255-8822.
If you have any questions, please contact us at or (904) 255-8800.