City of Jacksonville


City Council Social Justice & Community Investment Special Committee

July 27, 2020 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Please join the meeting by 11:20 A.M.)
Online Meeting
No Physical Location
Meeting ID:  927 8279 9014
Password:  203910
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Please join the meeting by 11:20 A.M.)
Notice is hereby given that the Honorable Tommy Hazouri, President Designate of the Jacksonville City Council, hereby approves the ZOOM VIRTUAL MEETING FOR THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL JUSTICE AND COMMUNITY INVESTMENT, Co-Chaired by the Honorable Matt Carlucci and Honorable Brenda Priestly Jackson  in conjunction with Special Committee on Social Justice and Community Investment, Members of the Jacksonville City Council, and other elected or appointed members of Boards and Commission are invited to attend – Zoom Meeting is scheduled for 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Monday, July 27, 2020, - No location-  Jacksonville, Florida.  The purpose, background and charge of the Committee are to discuss:

City Council JEA Matters Special Investigatory Committee

July 27, 2020 8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. (please join the meeting by 7:50 a.m.)

Meeting ID: 958 8372 4195
Password: 560381

8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. (please join the meeting by 7:50 a.m.)
Notice is hereby given that the Honorable Scott A. Wilson, President of the Jacksonville City Council, hereby approves the ZOOM VIRTUAL MEETING FOR THE SPECIAL INVESTIGATORY COMMITTEE ON JEA MATTERS, Chaired by the Honorable Brenda Priestly Jackson to be held in conjunction with to be held in conjunction with Special Investigatory Committee Members, Members of the Jacksonville City Council,  City Council Independent Counsel- JEA Matters, JEA Board and Staff Members, (or their designees) and other elected or appointed members of Boards and Commission are invited to attend.  The meeting will be held on Monday, July 27, 2020, at 8:00 am – 10:30 a.m., with no physical location. The purpose of the Zoom Virtual Meeting will discuss subpoena and subpoena processes, Independent Counsel and Office of General Counsel documents /review of materials collected, hear from the public, and details and other items hereto pertaining on JEA Matters. 

Better Jacksonville Plan FACPAC Quarterly Meeting

July 24, 2020 8:30 a.m.
Virtual Meeting (Zoom)
8:30 a.m.

Notice is hereby given that the Better Jacksonville Plan Finance Administration Committee  and Project Administration Committee (BJP FACPAC) will hold a quarterly public meeting on Friday, July 24, 2020, 8:30 a.m.

Full Jacksonville City Council Workshop | Discussion of 2020 Republican National Convention (RNC) Proposed Legislation

July 24, 2020 10:00 a.m. (Please join the meeting by 9:50 a.m.)
Online Meeting
No Physical Location
Meeting ID: 923 9563 7391
Password: 772260

10:00 a.m. (Please join the meeting by 9:50 a.m.)
Notice is hereby given that the Honorable Tommy Hazouri, Council President in conjunction with the Members of the Jacksonville City Council, hereby approves a ZOOM VIRTUAL FULL JACKSONVILLE CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP ON THE TOPIC OF 2020 REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION (RNC) PROPOSED LEGISLATION.   The Zoom Virtual Meeting is scheduled for 10:00 AM., on Friday, July 24, 2020, - NO MEETING LOCATION, Jacksonville, Florida.  The purpose of the Zoom Virtual Full Jacksonville City Council Workshop on topic of 2020 Republican National Convention (RNC) Proposed Legislation is for discussion of the proposed draft legislation - pending introduction - of the request for 2020 Republican National Convention (RNC), short title listed below and topics thereto pertaining.

City Council Resiliency Special Committee | Environmental Planning Subcommittee

July 23, 2020 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Please join the meeting by 4:50 P.M.)
Online Meeting
No Physical Location
Meeting ID: 959 4016 9408
Password: 238834

5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Please join the meeting by 4:50 P.M.)
Notice is hereby given that Citizen Member Brooks Andrews, Subcommittee Chairperson, hereby schedules a ZOOM VIRTUAL NOTICED Meeting of the SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON RESILIENCY’S:  SUBCOMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING.   The meeting will be held in conjunction with Members of the Special Committee on Resiliency, Members of the Jacksonville City Council, and other elected or appointed members of Boards and Commission are invited to attend.  The Zoom Virtual Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM, July 23, 2020, - NO MEETING LOCATION, Jacksonville, Florida.  The purpose of the Zoom Virtual Meeting is to discuss organizational timelines and to follow the charge as provided below and topics thereto pertaining:
cultural council logo

CCGJ Board Member Meeting (Michael Boylan)

July 23, 2020 3:00 - 3:45 p.m.
3:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Notice is hereby given that the Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville Board Chair will meet individually with each board member via teleconference call:

MS Teams Conference ID: 419 553 307#
+1 470-443-0586 United States, Atlanta (Toll)
(877) 286-5733 United States (Toll-free)

View full teleconference schedule here.
cultural council logo

Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville Development Committee Meeting

July 23, 2020 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Notice is hereby given that the Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville Development Committee will meet via videoconference call scheduled for: Thursday, July 23, 2020 from 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

AMENDED | City Council Opioid Epidemic, Vaping & Mental Health Resources Special Committee

July 23, 2020 2:00 p.m. (Please join the meeting by 1:50 P.M.)
Online Meeting
No Physical Location
Meeting ID:  911 5856 5757
Password:  320702

2:00 p.m. (Please join the meeting by 1:50 P.M.)
Notice is hereby given that the Honorable Tommy Hazuori, President of the Jacksonville City Council, hereby approves the ZOOM VIRTUAL MEETING FOR THE SPEICAL COMMITTEE ON OPIOID EPEDIMIC, VAPING, MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES, Chaired by the Honorable Ron Salem, PharmD.,  scheduled for 2:00 PM Thursday, July 23, 2020, - No Location, Jacksonville, Florida.  The purpose of the Zoom Meeting is to discuss Opioid updates and other items hereto pertaining as provided by the official charge of the Special Committee provided below and other topics thereto pertaining:

City Council Resiliency Special Committee | Education, Protection of Local Neighborhoods, and Community Outreach Subcommittee

July 23, 2020 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (Please join the meeting by 10:50 A.M.)
Online Meeting
No Physical Location
Meeting ID: 915 8365 8989
Password: 376704
11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (Please join the meeting by 10:50 A.M.)
Notice is hereby given that the Honorable Joyce Morgan, Subcommittee Chairperson, hereby schedules a ZOOM VIRTUAL NOTICED Meeting of the SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON RESILIENCY’S:  SUBCOMMITTEE  ON EDUCATION PROTECTION OF LOCAL NEIGHBOORDS AND COMMUNITY OUTREACH.   The meeting will be held in conjunction with Members of the Special Committee on Resiliency, Members of the Jacksonville City Council, and other elected or appointed members of Boards and Commission are invited to attend.  The Zoom Virtual Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM, July 23, 2020, - NO MEETING LOCATION, Jacksonville, Florida.  The purpose of the Zoom Virtual Meeting is to discuss organizational timelines and to follow the charge as provided below and topics thereto pertaining:

City Council Resiliency Special Committee | Infrastructure, and Continuity of Operations for Essential Services Subcommittee

July 23, 2020 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. (Please join the meeting by 8:50 A.M.)
Online Meeting
No Physical Location
Meeting ID: 913 4312 5388
Password: 833361
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. (Please join the meeting by 8:50 A.M.)
Notice is hereby given that the Honorable Joyce Morgan, Subcommittee Chairperson, hereby schedules a ZOOM VIRTUAL NOTICED Meeting of the SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON RESILIENCY’S:  SUBCOMMITTEE ON INFRASTRUCTURE, AND CONTINUITY OF OPERATIONS FOR ESSENTIAL SERVICES.   The meeting will be held in conjunction with Members of the Special Committee on Resiliency, Members of the Jacksonville City Council, and other elected or appointed members of Boards and Commission are invited to attend.  The Zoom Virtual Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM, July 23, 2020, - NO MEETING LOCATION, Jacksonville, Florida.  The purpose of the Zoom Virtual Meeting is to discuss organizational timelines and to follow the charge as provided below and topics thereto pertaining:
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