City of Jacksonville

Request for Hourly/Daily Parking Vouchers


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Invoicing Information:

Cost: 1-40 vouchers are $5 per voucher / 80-120 are $3 per voucher. Vouchers are issued on a prepaid basis in sheets of 40. You will be invoiced for the number requested and a JE transaction number must be provided prior to them being issued. Vouchers expire one (1) year from date of purchase. 
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Internal Agency Account Information

Following invoice issuance by Public Parking, a Journal Entry (JE) for payment shall be prepared by Requestor; the indexcode and subobject to transfer to are indicated above.  Please email with the associated JE number once you receive an invoice, and the JE has been keyed into FAMIS.  Please be advised vouchers are not intended for mass use on a single day. Parking for more than 20 on a single day must be requested through the Parking Facilities Supervisor at 904-255-5865; permission is based on occupancy. Vouchers are for the exclusive use of agency listed above, and are not transferrable. Unused vouchers have no value; they are non-refundable. At no time are daily/hourly vouchers to be used for all-day parking in lieu of paying for a monthly parking space. Voucher misuse shall be reported. Vouchers do not guarantee space; parking is first-come, first served. Vouchers cannot be used for Special Event parking.  Please secure vouchers in a safe.  Security and distribution of vouchers is the responsibility of the Requestor / Liaison.