Workforce Statistics
Jacksonville has a regional workforce pool of approximately 896,903 in the seven-county area, with roughly 58% (520.131) of these workers residing in Jacksonville. This labor force continues to grow with college graduates, military separations and a steady influx of new residents. Jacksonville's median age of 38.2 also makes this work force one of Florida's youngest.
- 13.3 percent of Jacksonville employees work in the finance and insurance sector, greater than the state and MSA percentages
- 13.2 percent of Jacksonville employees work for supply chain logistics related companies in the warehousing, transportation and wholesale trade sectors, which is in line with the state and MSA percentages
Employment by Industry

Sources: Sources: Florida Commerce, Bureau of Workforce Statistics and Economic Research, Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) & 2022 Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages Program; U.S. Census Bureau, 2022 American Community Survey