City of Jacksonville


Budget Process: A General Overview

How does the City arrive at its annual budget for the general government?

First, City Departments and Constitutional Officers submit current service level budget requests to the city's Budget Office. Enhancement requests are submitted separately. The Budget Office reviews current service level budgets and makes changes to ensure that the Mayor’s Budget Review Committee or MBRC meetings reflect the cost to continue current service levels into the new fiscal year. 

MBRC reviews estimated revenue, current service level budget and requested enhancements.

The Mayor, working with the MBRC, drafts the budget and presents it to the City Council. The Mayor must submit the annual budget proposal for the general government to the City Council by filing a copy with Legislative Services prior to the first City Council Committee meeting in July.

The budget then transitions to City Council. The Council Finance Committee conducts hearings on the proposed budget. Department heads, Division chiefs, Constitutional Officers and Independent Authority representatives discuss their plans with the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee, working with the Council Auditor and staff, amend the budget prior to its review before the full City Council.

The City Council holds two public hearings on the budget, as amended, before its adoption. Residents are invited to share their input with City Council during Finance Committee and full City Council meetings.

In accordance with the law, the final budget must be approved by the full City Council prior to Oct, 1, the first day of the city's fiscal year. Typically, the City Council votes on the budget during its last Council meeting in September, which falls on the fourth Tuesday each September.

Budget Process Timeline

January - Departments meet with Capital Improvement Plan Administrator to began Capital Improvement Plan process.

February – Department CIP submissions and changes are reviewed and prioritized.

March/April - Departments and Constitutional Officers prepare and submit current level budget requests and requested enhancements to the Budget Office.

April/May – Budget Office review of budget submissions. Budget Office meets with Departments and Constitutional Officers to discuss Budget Office changes made to current level request.

June - The Mayor's Budget Review Committee reviews current level budgets and requested enhancements.

June - The Mayor reviews MBRC approved budget and makes final budget decisions.

July 1stCertifications of Taxable Value are received from the Property Appraiser.

July - The Mayor’s Budget Review Committee makes final budget decisions and Budget Office prepares and balances budget.

July 15th – The Mayor’s balanced budget is presented to City Council.

Last Council Meeting in July – City Council adopts the maximum millage rate for Truth in Millage (TRIM) notice.

August / September - The Council Finance Committee and other standing committees review the budget and propose changes.

First Council Meeting in September – City Council amended budget is “laid the budget on the table”. City ordinance code section 106.210 requires that the annual budget enacted by the Council be filed and available for public inspection for not less than seven days.
Last Council Meeting in September - After the final public hearings, the millage levy ordinances, the amended Budget Ordinances, the five-year CIP, the five-year IT system development program budget, Councilmember conflict bills and other related resolutions and ordinances are adopted by the City Council.

October - The new fiscal year begins.