City of Jacksonville


Commission Member
Deidre Lane

Deidre LaneDeidre Lane serves in a dual capacity at OneJax, an interfaith nonprofit organization that promotes respect and understanding among people of different religions, races, cultures, and beliefs. As Program Coordinator, she oversees the development and implementation of OneYouth Different Together, a series of innovative programs that benefit at-risk teens in the First Coast area. As the agency's Community Outreach Coordinator, she provides rape risk reduction education to middle, high school and college students. Previous assignments have included Rape Recovery Team Case Coordinator and Outreach Advocate.

In addition, Deidre serves as the Hotline Coordinator with the City of Jacksonville's Sexual Assault Response Center, a position she has held since 2003. She is responsible for providing crisis intervention to callers, training volunteers and scheduling coverage for the city's 24-hour Rape Hotline.

Deidre is a native of Florida. Her recent involvement in the field of victim services is preceded by a 15-year tenure as a Women's Basketball and Volleyball Coach, Director of Student Activities and Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs in the higher education arena.

She has made a lasting impact in the community. Her passion is to support and empower women by nurturing mind, body, and spirit and by advocating for the dignity and respect of all women. She believes that anyone, once empowered and supported, can become a survivor. Her personal motto is the 3 ‘D's,' Dream, Dedicate and Determination: Have a dream, dedicate yourself to the purpose and be determined and relentless in seeing it through.