City of Jacksonville


St. Mark's Episcopal Day School Ribault Day Celebration

May 01, 2012 - May 01, 2012 9:30 and 10:30 a.m.
St. Mark's Episcopal Day School
4114 Oxford Avenue
Jacksonville, Florida 32210

Stockton Park
4021 Ortega Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32210

The third graders at St. Mark's Episcopal Day School, led by teacher and Jacksonville historian, Drew Haramis, will perform skits reenacting the landing of Ribault on the banks of the St. John's River in Stockton Park. They will also have projects on display and French food. All are welcome!
Students will also enjoy lunch in the park in order to hear the "Ring for Ribault." St. Mark’s Church will ring its bells at 12 noon along with all other Churches and vessels located along the St. John’s River