City of Jacksonville


Jacksonville Historical Society Program and Exhibit: The "First Colony" La Caroline and 450th Anniversary of the "First Thanksgiving in America"

June 30, 2014 Reception 6 p.m.
Program 7 p.m.
City Hall - St. James
117 West Duval Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
Join the Jacksonville Historical Society for a program and exhibit celebrating the “First Colony” La Caroline, and the 450th anniversary of the “First Thanksgiving in America.” Featuring a Presentation by Robert Thunen, Ph.D. and Keith Ashley, Ph.D. on archeological and historical perspectives on Fort Caroline's location.
University of North Florida professors, Robert Thunen and Keith Ashley, Ph.D. anthropologists and experts in Southeastern U.S. and Florida archaeology, offer reviews and updates on their search for the 1564 fort’s location. They also discuss recently presented theories (and not so recently) promoting a Ft. Caroline Georgia site. The long-sought documented location of the colony is center stage as the city celebrates one of the most important dates in North Florida history.

Join with the society and city officials on this exciting night. A society exhibit is on view prior to and during the 6 p.m. reception. At 6:45 p.m., a brief ceremony with city officials takes place at the reception. The 7 p.m. program highlights a week-long Jacksonville Historical Society exhibit, Portraits from La Caroline. A small selection of “never before locally exhibited,” artifacts from the Ribault wrecked fleet survivors’ camps is also on view.