Task Force on Consolidation
The Task Force shall undertake an in depth review of the history, formation and operation of the consolidated government, including a full examination of all departments, divisions, boards, commissions, and independent authorities, and shall study the relationship between the Beaches and Baldwin and the Consolidated City of Jacksonville. The Task Force shall bring forth a final report with recommendations for reform and change through legislative action, local referenda and if necessary, suggested state legislative action, by April 30, 2014. During its work the Task Force shall be governed by the provision of Florida's "Government in the Sunshine" requirements.

Shown left to right: Jim Rinaman, Kerri Stewart, Paul Tutwiler, Michael Munz, Bill Mason, Steve Rohan, Opio Sokoni, Lori Boyer, Wyman Duggan, Kay Ehas, Broderick Green, Shannon Blankinship, Georgette Dumont, Chuck Arnold, and Leon Carrero.
Task Force Members
Lori N. Boyer - Chair
Charles W. Arnold, Jr. |
Lad Daniels |
William C. Mason, Ed.D. |
Kerri Stewart |
Cynthia B. Austin |
Ben Davis |
Sam E. Mousa, P.E. |
Thomas C. Taylor |
Shannon L. Blankinship |
Wyman Duggan |
Michael R. Munz |
Paul Tutwiler |
Elaine Brown |
Dr. Georgette E. Dumont |
James C. Rinaman, Jr. |
Dr. Kelli Wells |
Betty S. Burney |
Kay Ehas |
Steven E. Rohan |
Rev. Dr. Marvin Zanders, II |
Leon J. Carrero, P.G. |
Broderick Green |
Peter S. Rummell |
Giselle Carson |
Tony Hill |
Dwain E. Senterfitt |
Rena Coughlin |
Betty S. Holzendorf |
Opio L. Sokoni |
Task Force Contact
Office of the City Council
117 W. Duval St., Suite 425
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 630-1377
FAX: (904) 630-2906
Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address published, do not send electronic mail to Task Force Members or staff. Instead, contact the Task Force by phone or in writing.