  ORD-Q Rezoning at 13911 Atlantic Blvd - (43.80± Acres) - PUD (2007-356-E) to PUD, to Permit Mixed Use, Multi-Family, Commercial/Office & Marina Uses, Including the Sale & Svc of All Alcoholic Beverages, Including Liquor, Beer & Wine, for On-Premises Consumption & Off-Premises Consumption on Property Located Less Than 1,500 ft from a Church Without the Requirement to Obtain a Waiver of Min Distance for a Liquor License Location Pursuant to Sec 656.805, Ord Code, as Described in the Harbour Mixed-Use PUD; Rezning Subject to Conditions; Finding that there is Competent Substantial Evidence in the Record to Support the Need for Relief From the Requirement for a Waiver of Min Distance for Liquor License Location - Jacksonville Intracoastal LLC  
  ORD Approp $154,100 from the Council President’s Designated Contingency to the Subsidies & Contributions to Private Org Acct for Mayport Waterfront, Inc., d/b/a Mayport Waterfront Partnership (MWP), to Provide Funding to Support Various Activities & Initiatives by MWP Related to Restoration of Mayport as a “Working Waterfront”; Prov for Carryover to 9/30/25; Apv, & Auth the Mayor, or Her Desig, & the Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver an Agrmt btwn the City & Mayport Waterfront, Inc. for Svcs Related to Restoration of Mayport as a Working Waterfront; Waiving Sec 118.107   
  ORD Approp $113,609.00 in Fund Balance from the Environmental Protection Fund to Provide Funding for the 17th State of the River Report for the Lower St. Johns River Basin; Prov for Waiver of Sec 111.755 (Environmental Protection Fund), Pt 7 (Environment & Conservation), Ch 111 (Special Revenue & Trust Accounts), Ord Code, to Auth Utilization of Funds from the Fund to Continue Funding the Annual State of the River Report; Prov for Waiver of Sec 360.602 (Uses of Fund), Pt 6 (Environmental Protection Fund), Ch 360 (Environmental Regulation), Ord Code, to Allow for the Utilization of Funds from the Fund to Continue Funding the Annual State of the River Report; Apv, & Auth the Mayor, or Her Desig, & the Corp Secretary to Execute & Deliver an Agrmt btwn the City & JU for the Proj; Invoking the Exemption in 126.107(g) (Exemptions), Pt 1 (General Regulations), Ch 126 (Procurement Code), Ord Code, to Direct Contract with JU for the Proj; Waiving Sec 118.107  
  ORD Approp $5,177,094.00 in Grant Funds from the FL Dept of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to Prov Funding for the Mccoy’s Creek Branches Project; Amend the 24-28 5-Yr CIP Appvd by Ord 2023-505-E to Reflect this Approp of Funds; Prov for Oversight by the Dept of Public Works, Engineering & Construction Mgmt Div  
  ORD Adopting a Large-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM Series of the 2045 Comp Plan at 0 Pecan Park Rd & 0 Arnold Rd, btwn Arnold Rd & Jax International Airport   
2024-0785   ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM Series of the 2045 Comp Plan at 0 Beach Blvd, btwn Palm Ln & Grove Park Blvd   
  ORD Dissolving the Hogpen Dependent Special Dist Per Ch 189, F.S.  
2024-0908   ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM Series of the 2045 Comp Plan at 0 Newton Rd & 0 Cargal St, South of Beach Blvd & West of Southside Blvd - (8.95± Acres) - LDR to MDR - Anthony Grissett, Angela J. Darling, & Choice Plus, LLC   
2024-0910   ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM Series of the 2045 Comp Plan at 0 State Rd A1A, btwn Montreal St & Beach Preserve Way - (7.12± Acres) - MDR to CGC - Carriere Family Limited Partnership  
2024-0914   ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUE Series of the 2045 Comp Plan at 901, 937, & 940 Main St N, btwn State St E & Phelps St - (5.16± Acres) - CGC, HDR, ROS, & PBF to RC with FLUE Site Specific Policy 4.4.45 - Ocean Hart, LLC, Dozier Prestige Worldwide, LLC & Ollivanders Downtown, LLC; Adopting a New Site Specific Policy 4.4.45 in the FLUE   
2024-0969   ORD Apv the Proposed 2024B Series Text Amendment to the Conservation & Coastal Mgmt Element & Infrastructure Element of the 2045 Comp Plan of the City to Adopt by Reference the State Mandated 10 Yr Water Supply Facilities Work Plan, for Transmittal to the State of FL’s Various Agencies for Review; Prov a Disclaimer that the Amendment Granted Herein Shall Not Be Construed as an Exemption from Any Other Applicable Laws   

2020-2022 Legislation

2023-2024 Legislation