City of Jacksonville


RESIDENTIAL Subcommittee of the CSSSC November 16, 2015

November 16, 2015 11:00 a.m.
Ed Ball Building
214 N. Hogan Street
10th Floor - Conference Room #5
11:00 a.m.

Transportation/Industry/Freight Subcommittee/CSSSC 11/16/15

November 16, 2015 12:00 p.m.
Ed Ball Building
214 N. Hogan Street
10th Floor - Conference Room #5
12:00 p.m.

PEDESTRIAN BICYCLE Subcommittee 11/16/15

November 16, 2015 1:00 p.m.
Ed Ball Building
214 N. Hogan Street
10th Floor - Conference Room #5
1:00 p.m.

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event

November 14, 2015 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Normandy Park
1728 Lindsey Road 
9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

America Recycles Day

November 13, 2015 12 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Prime Osborn Convention Center
1000 Water St.
Jacksonville, FL 32202


Kmart Parking Lot 
500 Atlantic Blvd.  
Neptune Beach, FL 32266
12 p.m. - 5 p.m.

TRUE Commission - Legislative Tracking Committee

November 13, 2015 12:00 p.m.

City Hall
117 W. Duval St., Suite 425
Conference Room B

12:00 p.m.

Notice is hereby given that the TRUE Commission’s Legislative Tracking Committee will be meeting on Friday, November 13, 2015 at 12:00 p.m. in City Council Conference Room B, Suite 425, City Hall at St. James, 117 W. Duval Street, Jacksonville FL to discuss new legislative items introduced by the City Council at its meeting on November 10, 2015 and any other pending legislation of interest.

Jacksonville Waterways Commission

November 12, 2015 9:30 a.m.

City Hall
117 W. Duval St., 1st Floor
Council Chamber

9:30 a.m.

Please note the day of this meeting has been changed to Wednesday due to the holiday on Tuesday.

Holiday - City Council Offices CLOSED

November 11, 2015

City Council Offices will be closed in observance of Veterans' Day.

City Council Meeting

November 10, 2015 5:00 p.m.

City Hall
117 W. Duval St., 1st Floor
Council Chamber

5:00 p.m.

City Council Chair & Agenda Meeting

November 10, 2015 4:00 p.m.

City Hall
117 W. Duval St., 1st Floor
Council Chamber

4:00 p.m.
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