City of Jacksonville


Council Member Public Meeting - Council Leadership

May 02, 2016 1:00 p.m.

City Hall
117 W. Duval St., Suite 425
Conference Room A

1:00 p.m.

Notice is hereby given that Council Vice President Boyer will meet with Council Member Bowman on Monday, May 2, 2016, at 1:00 p.m. in Conference Room A, City Hall, 117 West Duval Street, Suite 425, Jacksonville, FL 32202. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss Council leadership.  

City Council Finance Committee

May 02, 2016 9:30 a.m.

City Hall
117 W. Duval St., 1st Floor
Council Chamber

9:30 a.m.

City Council Finance Committee Agenda Meeting

May 02, 2016 9:00 a.m.

City Hall
117 W. Duval St., Suite 425
Conference Room A

9:00 a.m.

Council Member Public Meeting - 2016/2017 City Budget

April 29, 2016 4:30 p.m.

City Hall
117 W. Duval St., Suite 425
Conference Room B

4:30 p.m.

Council President Greg Anderson will be meeting with Council Vice President Lori N. Boyer to have a discussion regarding the 2016-2017 City Budget.


The meeting will take place on Friday, April 29, 2016, 4:30 p.m., in Conference Room B, Suite 425, City Hall, 117 West Duval Street, Jacksonville, Florida, 32202. This meeting is open to all Council Members.

Simulated Emergency Exercise

April 29, 2016 1 - 1:15 p.m.
Emergency Operations Center
515 N. Julia St., 4th Floor
Jacksonville, FL 32202 
1 - 1:15 p.m.
Brussels, Paris and Boston are among the cities that recently faced violent acts that affected various operations and services throughout their municipalities. Continuing the commitment to improving public safety in Jacksonville, Mayor Lenny Curry, joined by Sheriff Mike Williams, Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department officials and other City leadership, will participate in a simulated emergency exercise in an effort to strengthen preparation and operation planning should similar acts of violence occur in Jacksonville. Media are invited to attend a briefing preceding the exercise.

Duval County Tourist Development Council - Application Deadline

April 29, 2016 4:00 p.m.

Duval County Tourist Development Council
City Hall, 117 W. Duval St., Suite 425
Jacksonville, FL 32202

4:00 p.m.

Deadline to file application with the Duval County Tourist Development Council for grant funding for events beginning on or after July 1, 2016.

Council Member Public Meeting - Council Leadership

April 29, 2016 11:00 AM
City Hall
117 W. Duval St., Suite 425
Conference Room B
11:00 AM
Notice is hereby given that Council Vice President Boyer will meet with Council Member Wilson on Friday, April 29, 2016, at 11:00 a.m. in Conference Room B, City Hall, 117 West Duval Street, Suite 425, Jacksonville, FL 32202. The meeting is to discuss Council Vice President Boyer’s candidacy for President of the City Council and Council leadership. 

Proclamation Ceremony & Employee Recognition

April 28, 2016 3 p.m.
City Hall at St. James
117 W. Duval St.
Jacksonville, FL 32202

The Proclamation Ceremony will be held in the Atrium
The Employee Recognition Ceremony will be held in the Mayor's Office on the 4th Floor

3 p.m.
Demonstrating his commitment to programs, services and offerings that improve public safety, Mayor Lenny Curry is presenting a proclamation identifying April 24 – 30 as National Re-entry Week, an observance established this year by the U.S. Department of Justice. In its inaugural year, the observance aims to bring awareness to the challenges ex-offenders face re-entering society after incarceration. Students and leaders from the City of Jacksonville’s D.A.W.N. program will receive the proclamation from Mayor Curry during a ceremony being held tomorrow at 3 p.m.

Council Member Public Meeting - Legislation Tracking & Transparency

April 28, 2016 4:00 p.m.

City Hall
117 W. Duval St., Suite 425
Conference Room A

4:00 p.m.
Notice is hereby given that Council Members Jim Love, Lori Boyer, and John Crescimbeni will hold a public meeting with other city officials to discuss changes (including possible legislation) to increase transparency, access, and ease of tracking legislation and applications (land use and zoning related).  This would also include changes to signs required by Planning Dept. for public notification of proposed rezoning, exceptions, administrative deviations, variances and minor modifications.   This meeting will be held on  Thursday,  April 28, 2016,  4:00 pm to 5:00 pm in Council Conference Room A, 4th Floor, City Hall, 117 W. Duval St., Jacksonville, FL.  

City Council Solid Waste Special Committee

April 28, 2016 2:00 p.m.

City Hall
117 W. Duval St., 1st Floor
Lynwood Roberts Room

2:00 p.m.

Notice is hereby given that Council Member Bill Gulliford, Chairman of the Special Committee on Solid Waste, will meet with the Special Committee of the Solid Waste Members on Thursday,  April 28, 2016 at 2:00 P.M. in the Lynwood Roberts Room, located at 117 W. Duval St., 1st Floor, St. James Building, Jacksonville, Florida  32202.

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