On Thursday, July 25, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. in the Jacksonville City Council Chamber (City Hall, 117 W. Duval Street), Jacksonville resident and Word War II veteran Sgt. John Connelly will be interviewed about his experiences in the war and his time as a prisoner of war in Germany by City Council Member Al Ferraro (District 2). The interview, to be conducted before an audience of military veterans, Boy Scouts, and the general public, will be available for viewing on Comcast channel 99, on the Jacksonville City Council's live streaming web site (http://www.coj.net/city-council/city-council-meetings-online.aspx) and will be recorded for inclusion in an oral history archive.
Jacksonville VA Outpatient Clinic 2nd Floor Conference Room 2L103/2L106 1536 N. Jefferson St. Jacksonville, FL 32209 1:00 P.M. - 2:00 P.M.
Jacksonville VA Social Work Service and AARP present "Fraud Watch: Guarding Yourself Against Fraud, Scams and Con Games at the Jacksonville VA Outpatient Clinic. This event is open to the public. No registration is required. This information session will cover: identity safety and security common techniques used to steal one's identity methods to protect financial records how to take action if your identity is stolen
Northeast Florida Safety Council will provide this training for local businesses that participate in the city's Jacksonville Small and Emerging Business (JSEB) Program.
Florida State College at Jacksonville Urban Resource Center 601 W. State Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 1 pm-5:30 pm
Florida State College at Jacksonville will provide this training for local businesses that participate in the city's Jacksonville Small and Emerging Business (JSEB) Program.
Northeast Florida Safety Council will provide this trainig for local businesses that participate in the city's Jacksonville Small and Emerging Business (JSEB) Program.